Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

E, Mc!mxy*I e IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, l > iX)visions AXD ' Feed, EAST CORNEK FORT i KING.STS. New Goods Rec'd Ry every Psoket from the Eastern StHte« an,l Earo|«. Fr»-Hb CHliforns (*rodnce bv ste«mer. AIl or.lers fa thf.iliy atten‘I»«I t•. hh«I (t »t- ib*:i\ire«i t«> anv of th«* cry FREK OF OHAEOE. l-l in l OrJ t» S-*lu*.te»I. S.st st »cti««u Guar«ute-«1. P 't P«os N 1 4ō. Te'-*-.h'>ne N>. Vt*i.

>rn Last Three Woi*ks! • DAILEY’S* Stcck Company | The Reigning ravOritea II THURSDAY E\’EXLVG, Belasco’s Great Cometlv Success. | “May Blossorn." . SATrRD.IV MATLVEE ami EVE.VLVG “llnele •'Iorrt’s Cībin’ Prices 50c., 7āc. and $1. for sale at L. J. Levey’s Moms, corner Furt and Qaeen sts. May7-1 w DAL\1PP(L\ Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The al>)Te Store h«s reeeive<l air>thor Spieui.iJ Iuv»ice of Japanese 3ilk. / / f ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” -COMPRBINOBEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Drefvs Goo.’s in all sh«Je, plain and tigure<l. Cushioas, Table Obwrs, I>«d Covers, (iown«. Cuemises, Sh;iv»ls. Silli Frape Rainbo\v Silks, All CoIors FancT Drapc ric~s E1BR0IDEP.ED HiSDKEEMi;FS, Doillies. Se-.irfs, Sishes, Jackets, Caps, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pricesof theee G x>!s will aaMniah you inel ading ELEuiNĪ SiLK KIM0U38I Haudaume Cig.\rette Cicves, Fiu Cn.iiions, Sllk Tea C oaāi->s, LiRGE A.MIMILL J l'tkESE Kl(iS Si!fc UniKr*dlm», licht but stroog; Cbair Sk1 Urs, SiiS; Ban:boo Biin U. Stre<I vr;th Stlk Lamp Sti,vies, nnr sty L. JAPA.NK.SE jdtUT8, Fron» «3 ! p. LiiUiE JiP SES riBKLLL.S Can be Set with Pole In tii« grr>uad, niew f«r Pieuie» or Laneheaoni of ; x>rs, thry eaii be upeiKni out or a«ed ..s a Ur.it. ! COTTON CRAPi:S IX GRFAT VAR KTY jyinspection Kesi>-Jtfa.ly Iuvitc-J. XBS. J- P- P. COLLACO, Proprietre3*. iprtV3ioi T0LET. A\1C 1 ’ COTT GE C’»\TUnIVG pir*«r, din rg-p»*m, thrv« b-*lr- o n# kitcb; • •«* '« tu it btsu* d i rv * yird «ita«tedoa Sch**o( -treet op*. s t>* F rt Street Sc io»! i» f>r r *ut. t a vry re*e«'bc !igure t<» tne r*,;ht r«rty. Apti.y ua th« jtwn y-e to HK». STEWaKD.