Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I THe /\W/\F\DE □, LA-iiheiiser-Busch Bi*ewin2r Co. Win: the Pi‘ize at W r Orld , S Fair w ‘th their KAGL . Prand I3eer. Lons Oct 23. 1333. I Messbs. Macfarla\e vt Co., L'd., Hanolnlu, H. I. Dtnr Sir*: —We have m.uled you a copy of the Globr-Dtmocrat itnnouucing the great victo y wou bv the ĀXSE0SEK-B08H A330CIAnox witb theīr EAOLE” Braud of B< er. [Signed] ANHEUSER-BCJSH BEWING ASS0CIATI0X. -T - —> ‘1 k m tV w - £ 4 v'T. >TH 'm h. ■e 3 % ■ » «3 =.t XI * 3LH - r* • '■ ' j -A. 4 : *$■ bl 1 mm In orJering this Beer besuretoask for the “EAOLE’’ Brand. M;ir. 14- -2ud. Alacfarlano & Oo., Ayent#./ur Havxiiian Islan ls. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Madc atStockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. ..... . ■■.•rae, •> m si.m i i.ir u ntuite.i namtier ot mares at tIt I \ (■''■ *ii DOLLAKS FOR THL i>hASO!i, payable at time ol aervice. Xhia horse »aa bred m !SiTi to forty-aii maiea ind produced forty-two eo ts. feb 17-im 13 H DAV1S. mmwA^ Robinsan Rlock, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Ptcfv»d,jti 1f<r A niv«lR. lle ]np t t-t Stc ek of FUR MTUBE Evc-r linj orted to t is Country, Comj>risi ig Handsome Carved Bedroom S:ts In Solid Oak, andof the LA TESTDES!G/'S. ESPECIAl, ATTENT10N 18 CALLED T0 T ;ESE SETSWIOKER WAE:E, Beaut fnl Des gus *»f W ick -r are, consist ng of S0FAS, CHA1RS. BOC<vERS. etc., vou ean gat tbese in snv ITNI8H vou desire. CKAIRS, Conntless n :mber8 of CHAlKS. in «verv stvle, iucluding 0FFICE and HIGH CHĀIKS. EZTE1TSI01T TABLES, We have had a uumber of calls for tbese Tabies, with Ci£AlRS t» matcb. We have now in stock Uie most BEAUTIFUL DiNIN6 R0ŪM FURNITJRE EVER SEEN HERE Sideboards and -:- Chifibniers 53-DIVA]VS.^ D vans covered with P0RTIERS are becoming qnite th > rage in uiaee of LOUNG£S -w« mauufactare them to order, ond have a of PORXIERS to sel-ct from. BEDDiira. Grent Assortmeut of WOA EN H IR£ MAlliiESSES—Spring.Hiir, Moss, Wtx»l and Straw Mattresses ou hanJ and made to order LIVE GEESE FEATHERS «ud S1LK FLOSS for PUiows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINDOW SHADES of ali colore and siz-s. eOKNlOE POLES, in wood or br ss trimmings. IEe S FA I151 a-. Mattresses, Loungcs and all Upbolstered Faruitare n p*ired at reasouable n t**s. CABINET MAKINO, in all its brancbes. by Cvmpeaent WorkmeD. MATTING LASD «»>d Int rior Decont! ig uuder the Sapervis»ou'of Mr. GEuKGE 0RDWAl. Our Goods »re F rst C1 »88. and our prices are tne low *st Come and be cuavinced —a tri«l is 8 die>ted. Bell 525. TiLLSi*HOXES: Mut iAJ 'T5 ORDWaY A PORI£R. Bob>naop Biock, betveen Fort ami Naoaau