Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Persecution. [ARTICLE]


T •• ic<jnittAl in the District ( .k t ye»terdiiy of Mr. C B V:l' >n chaiged »itb a.">istiug in cnnnuitting mayheoi gtv-s on record a.s another insUnce of pettv persecution iu whieii the p. g •• uthoritie* at all time?» md ilge. ll i« *aie to tmy tliat >f any >>ther nnm bad acteil as the te-timonv sii«>v>s th.it Mr. M i did. no aeeuaaliuii nor any am-st w<> dd ii iir been made. i3ut the j<rosj.< ct of placing tlie weli-known Mni-.li.il in the |»ris»ner’s dock t:.’k:ed the { tncr of those little • »■ > .s. ciottie<l with brief authority aiid they hurned uj> with hh it h h beeu plaiuiy proven u trurnj> ‘ ed np charge g.iiust Mr. Wdson -iud placed him under $H»00 bonds Tnit tbe governiueut by such ucti »n only iucreases the number of ita enein es goes without say ing. Mr Wiiaon is one of the niovt j»oi uIar inen in Honolnlu and counts nunierous friends in ln»th parties TLat none of them d.*s;re to see iiim j>ersecuted on n tliiiisy chaige feimji]y bec.mse ho is .iii olheiai undor the monarchy g n*h without saying. The aooner thut the goTerniuent drops th»t k:iul of tuctics the bettor it wil) be for its j)olitical henlth. We sh'»ll here add thnt the report of the mayheni ; tfair as furnished at the time m the Holomua, whs neither *’unique” as stated in the A>hrrti*rr nor incorrect. lt wss corroborated by tho evideuce g ven yesterday and it waa, as the result j>roves, believed by the unbiased Judge.