Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Mr. J. W. Kalua. [ARTICLE]

Mr. J. W. Kalua.

Polit»cs niike stmiige be».l-r febows. The A is n •« 5nding J. M . hiaiu.i of Wailokol qnit** cbtrraing you know. aiid ' consid*-r biro a very ref>resenta- . tive. au honest <nd '*n inteSligeut ■ Hawaiian. in wiiom everybodv li.is c >ufiib-nce and to whoin the i Uawaii»ns--and the A‘iifrii**r { —lfH»k np witb iiuroesurable J l,r;de. 7'< ..</,»»ri/ uiii('ttitur, et no* ( in illi*! i> es tbe A<lfetii*er r— ; imMub<*r tlie d » vs wheii it ilevoted J colomns d ;scribe Mr. Kaloa ( an\ tliiug except .1 repr< seuta- j : tive bonest aud ;ute:ligent Ha-] « liiau' Ask tbe Chief Jostice \vliat bis ciud'.d »piuion is of the *‘Fire of Wailoku, tlie Daiu of lao” ud tbfc A>lvaii*er will be surprised t-> learn that eveu in the raiiks of tbt sii.utlies tue od <r <d Mr Kiilua s repūtation is n »t very j aroui:itic. H<»wever. let tbe i oorj devil be. His iuAuenee is gone loug ago aud his iraport-nee is i nil. 1Jut lie hasu t forg<>tten bis I <>ld trieks as a polit cum alt<> getber ile b;.s used tbe Atlceri ti*cr to create a verv wrong im- ! pressiou of tlie seutiu)ents expressed bv some leading llawaiians. It is stitnd in t!ie morning organ tbat Kalua Wiis entertiiined yesterday by a nuiuber of royalists. We are glad to hear it because it sbows tb.it Mr. ■ J. U Kawiiiuui tbe editor of tbe Jviug Kuokoa lias seen, and i repeutod liis fonner attitude and i ; lias joined our ranks. Becaiise » | it \\as Kawainui wbo entertained Mr. J<*liu \N. etc. M lier. the I Cireuit Court was over yesterday 1 afternoon Messrs Kahookauo, Euoeh Jobnson, W. C. Aelii, Jobn Kaulukou ;iu<l Frank Pahia , —all personul friends of Kalua joined Unu at Kawainui’a w!iere tbev bad dinuer. After dinuer ! * , the gre.it st itesmen natnrally , Ulked politics but there was no “wann demonstrations of applause” nu exj>ression “tbnt the . rovalists are uot expectiug tlie rtsoration of Mrs. Dominis,’ no statement thut “Kahookmo is ; , is in favor of a rei*ublic’’ no talk , , about Mr. Asbford at-all, as; , claimed in tlie Adverti*er tbis , moruiug. It was tbe usual dis . i cussion tbat alw ivs arisos after h > ♦ • go<>d dmner betweeu fnendly j opponents aud fiuislied as such i discussions genora!ly do by i i eaeh man retainiug his owu i opiniou and convinced tb it the * inan ou tbe otber -nde is au ass > or fool. Tbe statemeats iu tbei Adverti*er are the result of Mr. i j J. W. Kalua’s ardent iroag I iualion for whieh he always bas > j been celebr ited. Aud bere we 1 i would like to usk Mr. Kalua to eiplain how it is that only 317 ■ ballots were connted on Mam. • tbe maj<>rity cast bv Portugaese.! i I wheu, as he claiius, nearly alll i tbe uatives are in favor of tbe p. j g. aud iig iiust tbe constitotiou il : i government of Hawaii. But perliaps he is like bis friend, i (fneud wheu he wears the blne i nbbon) the immaculate C. J. who does not eiplaia: but simply goes oo drawing on his imagin- , | ation—and tbe Ux payers mouey. i i _