Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tue Advertisir who catche> a persons eye usoal!y wins a cnstomer. Many dit!erent st\les of adYertising*have been adopted | and with more orlt s> >ncce». bv the beli*-vers iu the nse of pr;aters ink. The manuf.ictr.rers cf Pesrs Soap. for instance ••• .- ;. ally bny paiuting> th..t have been on exhibitiun in tiie Pari'Salou and have lithographs made from thera for the purpv>e of bringiug their product bef«»re the peopio. In addition t > such >ide i-sues, Pear spends hnndred> thous\nds of dollars annna:iy! among the newspapers and nng- 1 az:nes. Some year- ago tlie Ag>.ints of certain article on sale m N• w York made a hit in advertising by baving on Broadway doring bnsines> hours two fatlnessly dress>*d Negroes woaring very high col!ars. on the b icks of whieh was printed “Use Suit!is Pills." Tiie idea was novel and the public caught s>u. Jiising Sun Stove Polish has bee:i kept beforo the public for years thrOngh j" isistent, and sometimes expeusive! advertising. Tweuty odd years ago the manufacturers of this polish started lialf a dozou men acrossthe ornimeut to paiut signs ou rocks aud fences. Tbe Aor-j raotor Go., of Cbicago bave in creased its sales inore than five hundred per cent in two years by I the use of printers ink. We, behevo we have been instrumen-| tal in increasing tiie s.des of the , Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly! at it iu Hawaii. We do not wish to sav that ad- . . vertising will sell auy manufac-' | tured article; there is no use | spending money in advertising "eheap and nasty” goods because the people will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohina w;is not the superior article it is. ali our advertising of it would not; have sold the tbonsands of pieces ■ that we have. AVe siraply eall the attention of the people to it and its superior quality is appureat to the customer directly a’ pieee of it is examined. Printers iuk has helped the sale ■ of the Jaraes Locked Fence but it woukl not h ive dones so if it had been as tiimsv as the or dinav wire • • fence. First; the economy there is iu building it recommend> it to the plantation manager and then its durability eliuehea the the salo. If the stays and washers cost as mneh as au ordio rv redwood post our sales of the | material would not havo reacbed such enormous proportioqs. Onr average sale of the Pansy j Iron Stove is about two a day the ; vear round. If was not the best iron stove on the market we ! wouhl not sell that many m sis ; months. Advertising is the tip 1 to the pnbiic the good poiuts in thearticle seils it ju>t as the goo<l! | qualities of the Fiscber Steei i Range mako it a desinble artic!e i for {>eoj>ie who wish to economi.se j in the use of fuel. We buy only what has proven ' good after people in the United : States or Earope have given it a ; trial; we profit by their experince | 'if the articles are goood we bnv and seli them. if tbey are poor we steer clear of them. When we advertiso an urticle it is to at-! , tract attention to it; the nows-' | paper is the bntton we pnsh, the sj»lesman does tbo rest. Persistent advertising coup!ed with the article beiog a superior | one has sold tbousands of the . Franx Walcot Eoaory Fi!e. If it l had been no better than an or din.»ry scythe stone we probably { wonld not bave sold twenty. | Wheu a man fiads oat that hisj table kuives may be keptshxrp at all times at an expense of fifty • cents and a very littie elhow grease he is qoite willing to try the expenicent Tās Havaii2s Har4vare Co. 3UT f ort bunet.