Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters A.M) Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Streei, Honolnla CAL!FORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mclnerny Uloek. JOBBERS 0F AVINKS, aiiel SPIRITS LAB0R EŪEEAU. THE AMEHie.AN LEAGUE B«“gs lcave to annoanee tbat it ba.s ishe<i an Etoj)loymeaw Buve,tu in eonneelion with the American League. We will be pleased to fnrmsh you with skilled or onskilled labor without «ny fee for the eng.iging such labor. The labor enrolled witn ns i.s of the followiog nationa)ities:j] Araerican, Portugnese, Hawaiian. tierman, And other European Nationalities Begging leave to open a correspondence with you ōn thi» snbject, We remaiu, Tour obedient dervant3, The Amekiow Le»gce Emplotxm Bcbjuc. AJureas all communieations to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secret«ry. tn«r 38-U. P.,0. Box *9S.