Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


(\Ye do n >t hold .■arsclves responsible for tbe opmions or the ntteninoes of oui correspondcuts.] ED1T0E HoLOMUA: I seniT vou a tabulate<l list of Mani Election retnrns as far as thev have beon receive<T. Keauoa of Molnkai. bas not yet sent their rotnrns. It iuakes a mighty poor show ing for Maui p. g. taking into eonsi<leration the number of ballots cast, aml the uumber ivjecte<l <>ver 38 \ per cent <>f tho total amonnt cast The Horner family seem to bave felt a bliz/,anl, althongh there was uo snow on Haleakala. A large nmnber of the ballots were cast blank. others ha<l wrong “Goose Eggs ’on them. Others marke<l no with a 1 <rge cross covering the whole sitle of the ballot. It appears as if natives antl others who were bulldozed into registering and voting took advantag- of the system to get even. Iii any case it is ji poor showing for the ]). g ou Maui. Gonsalves tl»e cirndidate of tbe bolting wmg of the party was only, voted for in N. T\ ailuku. Good meu must be scurce on Mani whon they havt to send to Honolulu f<»r one. They tl:ought perbaps by solecting Gonsalves, they would dr:iw the Portugue.se vote, but it wouhl not work. There was another incendiarv fire in Wailnku this week. The oflice of the Wailnku Plantation, was set ou fire about half past 9 iu the eveoing, 2 one gallon demijohns >f keroseue oil werel used; but the alarm was given iuj timetosave the building,althongh the interior waa pretty thoroughlv gutte<l. A reward of $200 has been oflered for the arrest and conviction of the fire bug. No takers yet. ; Goverumeut offcrs $200 for a fire nud only $100 for a tmirder. It appears us if life was cheaper thau propertv. LWailuku, Maui. May 5,1891.