Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — LATE FOREICN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


— Two thonsnnd persons are reported to be sUrving in Northern j Michigan. London. Mny 2.— Lord Boseberv spoke at Manchester tonight, expressing the opinion that the liberal party would soon curry to the conviction of the English people iu favor of Lome . rule. He advocated revolntiou ;as a remedy for Parliameutary i congestion. The AJams had arrived ut Port Townsend on May 2. Auother comet is in sight but dailv growing fainter Prof. HoUen of the Liek Observatory ' | (San Joaa CaU stat«s that it is I near the coustellation Monoceros I and is moving northeast about 6 degrees per day. The earthqnate sbocks in Greece bavedestroyed the viilages on the island of Eubuca. < Fruit crops are reported to be ) verv short in the East, wiih a 1 big demand. Abont forty Republican editors ■of the loeal and interior presa - met at the Press Association ; j headqnarters in the Crocker , bailding San Fraocisco May 2, to ) form tbe Califoruia League ol Repablican newspapers.

I Tbe Tuqoas a tribe of Indi.ans in lower California bate decoyed ■ | and massacred a ncmber of Mei- ' iean soldiers. Harrison is said to be intend-! i mg to again be a candidate for tbe! I presidency. Vallejo, May 2.—Tbe Kanger j bas all stores on board and is| ready for sea. The vessel was to: i have left here for Port Townsendi iThnrsday with extra stores andi men for Bering Sea. Tbis afterj noon the Secretary of tbe Naw wireil tn the Oommamlani to hold the Ranger uutil fnrther orders. i i | lt is rnmored that sbe will t>e ! sent to Houoluln, tbongh no definite news bas beoo received to this eflect'. Topeka, Kan.. May 1—Secrstan- of State Osborae said. relative to the urrest of Coxey and Browne: “I want t> make a predictiou Tbere will l»e no overt act until nest eleelion. Then simultaueously llames will shoot up into the air from the Atlantic to the P.tcific. and everv palaiīal residcuce will be destroyed iu the upr;sing <>{ tbe people. Woe unto them theu who havesought to stay this tide. For the past six months tbe fartners have been preparing for this- They are sellmg horses or cows and buying Winchesters, and inany meehanics are doing the same.