Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

The “Eagle House” _t 'OX The Lca.se and the Good U'ill of fhis Favorite Fdniihj Hotei. i THERE AEE FOUR DETA1CHED C<»ttages annexed to the ■ rloteI sa : t»ble f >rprivate families. The main bnildi; g contains 20 Bed Rooms l.irge Dining Room. Parlor. etc. Tlie furnitnre is :11 eleg,»nt aod in g>»od con<iition. The Groun ls are beantiftilly laid out in Trees. Fiowers, Ferns, and other Plants. This business ean be br »ught at a bargiin ou easy terms as U> payment. Apply to T. E- KROFSE, ArImgton Hotel oliiee. mav 9-1 wk. I3ora Lamb. Notary Puhlie, Stenographer and Typewriter. Officewitb J. A. Magoon Honolala Hale, Merchant Street. mav 9-tf. U>aiicill£r. MAOAME EOWARD KS-MOOEE wih have a Cla s s for Adn'ts fr-m 7to 9 r. v. oo IIONI)AV> aml THCRSI»AYS at ti’e AKIoN HaLL, cotuinencing M»j 7th. T raj8 p r moath—for OenL $4 for lji<ti»*9 Chil<iren’s CUss at 3 p. m. ou FRID.\YS. Re8:deno* Eagie Hoase. mavō-lw ; Empire Saloon, South-East Corner Nuuanu and Hoiel SireetS. Choice Wines, Liquors 5; Gigars A Sp!endid Assorlment of lfi|» 0^T 6D Fm ,il Y^ i I ,E8 Port 4 Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. £C yo 3m E. N. REQUE. Manag>r