Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

\] t E, 8( B^0 lMPORTERS JLND DEALERS IN Oroceries, T > rdvisioiis A>D Feed, EAST CORNER FORT 4 KING;STS. New Goods Rec'd B\ exery Packet frt'ra the Easten> St.ites auJ Euro|v. Fresh Califonua f‘rodqce by even- stearaer. All orvlers fnithfullv attende»l X\ :»r.vl i> •leliv-.'red to anv part of the city FREE Ot C HAl»GL. Islsu i Orlers Solieited. * Satjsf»cUou Guur»nte vi. P- >t Office Bni N ». 145. Telephone N ’. '**2.

TKXTI l Annual Meeting -OF THEhawaiian Jockev eiul). JUXE 11. 1894. |Offleial Programme Races to Oommenee i| at 10 a. m. Sharp. M | lsr —BICYCLE RACE. i Prize Siiver Medil; 1 mile I t d»sh. Free for all. 1: 2—HAWAII PLAIE I t| ij Runniug Uie*; 4 uiile d.ish. | Free f>>r a!l. \ 3—HONOLU LL' PLATE * 1 Trotiiig and Piicing. t Harueis; 1.4U c’.ass. Free ū>r i ail. Mue heata; bsi2 m 3 : 4—OCEANICS.SCO’SCUP.» ADDE1). Ruuning Uac<-; 1 miie dash. For Hawaiian bred. 5—PRESIDENT WIE MAN N 'S CL T P, * . ADDED, Runnit;g R ee; 1 ; u i e d lah. Frce for ali. - 6-KAPIOLANIl PAKK ! PLATE| ) Trotting and Paeinp; 2:40 • class. Fr-e f>r all. Alile ‘ Ueat; best 2 m 3. Pacers to I go to road cart. 1 7—KALAKAUA PLATE I t Trotting Rice; 4 niiie aash For Hawaiian bred. 8—KAUAI PLATE I Running Race; 14 mile dash. For Hawaiian bred. : 9—JOCKEY CLUB PLATE * Trottingand Pacing, t<» harness Free f>r all. Mi!e heats; bst 3 in 5. !•?—R0SITA CHALLENCE CUP. I AD1)ED. Running 1 mile d>sh. Free for aII. Winner to bcst rec >rd of Angie A. I:4ō4. 11— KAMEHAMEH V PLATE ITn>tting and Pacing, to harnese. F«>r Uawaiian brod; ? mile heats; be»l 2 in •’«. 12— PONY R \CE # a Running Rice | mile dash. For Hawaiian bred P »nies; 14 haodsand under:catch we ght. ‘ 13— MAUl PL \TE * Trottingand Pacing, toharn«ss 3 minuleciass. F<>rHiWHiian bred. Mile heats; best 2in 3. . 1 entries are t> b« raade witb the Secrelary, at lbe othce of C. O. B«-rger, on Mercbant Slree(, b-fore 2 p m Wednesday, June 6th. 1S94. at *h : ch time they will close. Entrv L«s t» be 10 j>er cent, ol tbe i»urse, unless otberwise specified. Ali rac<*s are t<> be n;n or trott«i under tbe rules of the J-»c-key CIub. gfgt aU horr ft- arc expecu;d