Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

l£mt>ire Saloon, JAMRS OLX>S, r«or«iiToa. Fine Wine& Liqooi% Beer, ALWAT8 ō!S HAXD. Contcr Nuu*etj cnd Hotei 5treets TV, ! !fTe!« , pl»oo'T 241. Po*t 0®oe Box lO 1 ? - ~ ' — E£Ub!isbed 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOllY Bi"KERĪ ail ICE OEEiK PAEL0RS F. HORN, ProprieU>r. MWIding and Birthday Ca fcr.s to Order. Fnncy Brmd and Gwiva JeUy. Fact rv an3 No. 71 King S;reel. Both Teiephones 74 np2?S Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoiceof the celebrated JOHN WEILAND PA.LE e LAGER ALS0, A FliESII Ixvoice of C\LlpOf^NI\ ; E POR- - U S V LS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Sans SDU.ci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, HUNOLULU. Firsf-Class Aeeommeoations for Fourisfs and !s1and Guests Sur£R/0R Bathisg Facilities. Priv sfe Cottages for Fairi!ieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manager. OHEAP FURNITURE ! YIKCr FAT & Corner of King and Bethel * Sts., Honolulu, Otfer a large assortment of fine and desir«ble furmturi; *hich they sell at a veiy low fignre. Bedste«ds, Bureaus, Meat Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to suit everybody. Call and *inspect for yourselve8. marl2 TIKG FAT k CO.