Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAvWA.ll HOLOfAUy\, IS r'CBLISHED i-'very .Aftemoon EICBPT 8CNDAY BT THE Holomua Co. At Kinp St. (Tbomas block), Honolala, H. I. o*rT5<;r's-T5" , Tn'* v—*'% 53 Cts The f«tpēT is rtfhv»-r*>d br C«ni«n in the inwn - : -u(it:rb». >ii>.•.!»• (‘«pie* f>r <jde at the Newt* De«len» ainl at ihe Office oi |>nblication. ĒOMU'W NORR!ē, - - Editor GēORC: E. StflTHIĒS - Manager N r OTICK. All Bo«ineHs ComtuuPK'ation» ahonW be alilKMi) to <ieorge E Smithie-> Uonolulu, H. I. Oorresponnence au>l (.Vmmranioationa tor pn)>lii .ition ahonhl )>e ac!i)n.sse») to the Editor ilawaii Holonma. No nuiioe will be |>iiid U> auy aui >nymous oommuuiealiona. Husiness Cards A. P. PET£ilSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlo ; 113 Kaahnmann S*reet, Honoluln Hawaiian Islund». CIIAIi LES C1 :E K J HTON. ATTORNT.Y AT LAW. Offio* : M3 Kaahnmann Street, Honoluln Hawaiiau Is!atids. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu. Mutual Telephone 415. CLAKENCE M’. ASHFOUD, ATTOKNEV AND OOUNSELLOR AT UW. Office. Ohl CapiU>l BuildinR, (Honolnln Hale), vljt>ining Po»t Office, Honoluln. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, Oihee, corner King A Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVET, Real Estate and Auetioneer. Coruer Fort and Qnecn StTeets. Honolnln Personal atlention given to Sales of Fnrniture, Keal Estate, Stook aud Geueral Merchanilise. Mutnol ToJephone 23S A. ROSA, ATTORNET AT L.4W, No. 15 Kaahumanu St. .Honololn, Hawaiiau Islamls. H. E. McINTYRE «fc BRO., Gbocert, Feed Stobe ā Bakery, Corner of King and Fort St>., Honoluln THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacfuring and Waickmaher, M,-Inerny BWk. 40.1 Fort, Str. Honoln,,, F. GERTZ. II.VS KE OPKNKU H1S Boot and Shoe S.tore, Opposit« tbe Club St*ble on Fort Street. and will be gl«d to aae his old fnends. uay7-tl.