Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

33usiness Ca H. L08E, Xotarv 1 *ublic. CoUecior and Gent:ml Busincss Ageni. Paieniee <\f Lose - Chkmicai. Compui'Vd for C'arij'ijn,j Cane Juue. Suh-A(jenf for sneml of tht Best FIRE iysURAXCF C0 <. VlutTiti> Tel*ptione 5. P. O. Box Mereh.iat *tr»et. īl.'nolnla, Wleat Market Oppo. Qaeen Emma Hall. EstablisbeU 1883. J0S. TINKER, ī\mx e ii T e H E Maker o f the Cclehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. — ;Ment Delivereil to Any Part of tue Citv aud Suburbs. Mulual Telephone Number ‘289. •! I CEMEMT glDEW/(Ll$ QnqitB din t bing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of j&one, Coqcrete \A/or^ Co.\CT.EXE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. EOWLEK. janl7 3m C.T. AKAXA Hjei | c!|aiit īailoi 1 321 Nuuanu Street -AJI Suits Gruaranteed To Fit antl iu the Latest Style. Clotbes Cleanetl aml Repaired. nol7( CHAS. GIRDLER, Impoiter auel Commission Merehant SPECLALTrtS: J. k P. Co*U’ Maehioe Ttn-a<1 J>avi Brooti Maehine Thre*.l B*rbour>i Liaen Thre«d | Pe*ri - Soap 1P. 0. Box 358. Mu:uilJTel<?phonp .ī» 13 K»*hnm*nn S&«t. LEWIS & eo. Whoiesale and Retaii {Gro A\D PKOVISION D£ALEB8. FRESR CALIFORNU 5ALM0N ONICB Bv Etptt 8ab Pmwi.sco Ste*oer. Salt Salmon e? Babrels a Spec ialty. tll Fort Sf. t Honoiulu. Tel. 240, f*. O. Box 2yj.