Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — AMERICANS IN HAWAII. [ARTICLE]


Cannot Be Citizeas of / Both Nations. Accordiof; toin*tractinnB givcn l)v S Krret-irv Gresbam t<> Minis ter \Vi!lis. »ny Arneric*n citiz3ti iu Honolala who now s\v*ars allegiance to t!io Hawaiian goverunient will tlierebv forfeit hi» elnim to protection by tlie Uuited SUteK. * * ♦ * Aiiicrican citizeiisliip is nowiae impuiieil by -iiuplv residiog or eiig'iging in busincss in Hawaii or any otber foreign country. Hut while :i luaii nmy bo a citizen of oue country aud a rfsiilent of anotber he caum>t bc a c:tizen of botli at the Si»nio tnue. lf any one chooses t>) heeome ii oitizen of Haw.iii ;»u>l swe»rs rilleginnce to its govornmont he thercby renounces iiis native citizeusiiip nml forfeits tlie rights wliieh it carries. To recognizo the iloctriao t'iat an Amenean inay exercise ihe riglits of a citizen niul a voter in n f>#cign conntry nml t»ke part iu puhlie atfaira aml theu elaim protection as an Amenean citiz«n whenever lie gets into trouble wouhl opeu the door to nooiul of foreigu entaiiglcmeiits." — llerabi.