Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Japan and Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Japan and Hawaii.

T!ie following iteni n})pe.irs iu the Sun Fraucisoo |>uj>ers: Vancouver (B. C.). May 1— Orieutal advices per £mpress of Cbiim say that an impeiial or (linunee \vas pr<niiulgated on Apri 1 l*2tli whieh sets forth tlie t«>rius of tho new treatv entered iuto between Japan and Hnwaii. The tre«ty of 1871' is abrogated, Huwaii therebv surretulering e\tra-tcrritorial joris<liction. In futnre <lapanese subjects shall receivo the snnie treatment as Hawaiian citizens with oneexcep tion, tho privilege of owniug re«l estato is withheld. It is hardly probablo that there is uny fonudatiou for the statement. lf an liuj>erial ordinanee has been promuIgated to the * tfect indicated in the itein it must refer to the j>reseut treaty between J.ij>an aad Hawaii whieh provuies for the same rights of the Jai anesc residents in Hawaii as those enjoyed bv citizens of t' o **most fnvored imlion.” That no new treaty has been n*'gotiated since Ihe advent of the pro\isional government is certaiu as Jaj>an hns not recognized the Mr. l)ole s admiuistration. And in >pite of the Niitocratic attitude of the K\eeutive Oouueil. we oannot believe that they would dare to negotiate treaties without the sanctiou of the Oooneil.