Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Scared Again. [ARTICLE]

Scared Again.

I .-1 ' ■>•»?,Vr’' nervons system bns received anotber sb».>ck. Uium rs bave been bear<l in tbe e«liton«l sHcotum that tbe Loyalists are corrnpting, tbe p. g. guar«ls (wbat a coutract to omlertake) witb the icteutiou of seizing tbe palaee. Tbe morning organ admit< that uot all the guartls are loyal to tbe p. g., aud tbat pos- j sibie some of tbem iuigbt be “aeen/ but it finds uns{teak ble consolutiou m its faitb iu the bigber offioers, wbo will stand solid ou tbe patb of tbe p. g long as tbey get tbeir pap regu- j larly). Why then fearl Oolouel

S -per v» itb lrs new aniform wiil shortiy bave hnisbed bis e<iaoation at tbe Presidio lnucbes. He bas, mccord to Iatc»t uews;j witnessed some iicbt artillen' men sweeping verandaho instead o? | dri.lmg audhe overhead with awe a eolonel rebuking a eaplain for .some misdemeanor an<I noticed! tbe Captaiu “s*.ss h.iek at the eolonel. Oh, indeed the Com-mander-in-chie{-with-the-etc., i« learning militaryism in Sun Francisco. And then, adds the Adver-(i-*>r proodly. we have tbeCit : zens Onani of whieh a namber are ‘de«wi” shote. Tiiese, we pno* suiue, are the ber<'es who laid <1 :i»u their lives dnring tbe late revolation aml are not read\' to perform the uct Hgn*n. The liaal threat of tlie “dead” shot iu the .1 !■ ■ reu ]g aft foliows: “Mouurchy is dead, but if its •:trcass r:ses to the surfuce, i en>iugh b-ad ean bo put nto it toj k t> it at the bottom for tbe rest: of ali tiTie.” Tremble. ye roy.»lists, beware| of twisting the }>. g. tuil, aud let! the pon tbat wrote the above blust-riug lines be preserved, with the \vr tor. in a special case in the Historical Society, archives. 15ut seriousl3', isn’t itl about time to stop this rot aboutj expect«‘d outbreaks. revolutions! corruption of guards and the otlier products of empt\' (or fulll biains or maliciously invented rumors circulated b\ street corner lo.ifers and iiller> of both partii's Tiie Adrertieer certainly does noti improve the credit of the conntr\'] or increase tlie coutideuce in thej government bv dishing up to it»| re ulers, statements tli.tt it= editor per[octiv well knows to be f.»lse and ridicuIoo8. Besides, is it hnnnless to put such ideas in the beads of the many malcontents wlio now are abuudunt and who ma\ be foolish enough to accept sueh snggestions “to do soiuetbing ” Tbere is uo ne d of tbe Adv> r(i' r warning anybody. if anybodv desiros to distnrb the peaee of the e >untrv and create anotlier revoIution, let tbem do so without warniug and let all eoneem’e»! tuke the consequences. If it hud not been for the Press, sociulists, auarchists, dyuamiters, Jack the Ilippers, lvnchers and i other cranks would not be so plcntiful as thov are all over tho worldtodi\ . In the meanlime tlie Advertixrr need not get out of its nsual somuiferous condition ! and get into »n unhealthv and dungoroos e\citement becanse an eraptv rumor tickles tbe ]irolong ed ears of soiue of its sleeping 1 stuff.