Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 May 1894 — Without Foundation. [ARTICLE]

Without Foundation.

■ ■ A rumor. one of the usu il oues, | whs starteil shortly after tbe Aionowai arrived this niorning. Of course, rumors are as eoiumou »ud inevitable iu this coinrauuity as are maugoes. naval ofticers, and missiouarīes. This ruuior purports to tell ns tbat the Senate heid an execntive session, and that a majority of tbe Senutors ■ sustaiuod the policy of Cleveland j in regard to the restoration of the I Queen of anti authonzed him. if uecvss*ry, to nse force to , accompfish this object Wej uionliou this rumor for t!ie pur- | ; pose of preventing the AJvertiser ; from gettmg into hysterics over , | it. The restoration will take i plaee on the 19th of June accord- ! jng to the best of the aatborities. ; This is the latest aud bv 1 ing it we hope our moruing cont : eruporary will save its space for | boilerplate matter. —