Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants F* rt Stre«‘t. Hi nolulu Fami{ie> Plantatious aml Ships >njij>lie\l w;th choicest Ku r< >p<:a n Ā* .1 /;i c rica n G roo rit# C.ii iforni;i Pr*xluoe by Everv Ste \mer. ()CEA NK’ SteamsliipCo U )C A C ei X lv S. S. Ai;STKAEA. Arrive Honoluln Leare Honolulu tr> >ru S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 M;ir. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Aj>r. 21 Apr. 28. Mayl9 May. 26. «lune 16 Jane 23. r rhi*ou<jjh * ūue* CALIFORNIA Wine Company 107 F0RT STI4EET, Mcluerny Block. J0BBERS 0F "W 1>T ES, ane l SPIlvITS LAEOE BUREAD. THE AMEHICAN LEAOUE Begs loave to announee ttiat it ha!» estab!ishod an Emploemen». BaroiU m eonneeiion with the American Le igue. We will be plea>.Al to furni.sb yoa with skilled or nnskdled labor witbout any fee for the eng.tging such l.»bor. The iabor enrolle<l with os is of the following natioaalities: Amehean, Portugaese, H-iwaiian. German, And otber Earopean Nutionalities Begging leave to oj>en a correspondeuco with yon on tbis sabject, We remain, Yoar obe»,lient servants, Tue Aue*acAN Le.kkt Emplov*CST BUR£1U. " Addreas uli coaira»:nicitious to IHEO. P. SEVEPJN, Secretary. mar 2S-tf. F. O. Box 49b.