Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HOLOMU^, 18 PCBLI8HED Altornoon EXrEPT Sl*NDAY BT TIfE Holomua Pub!isMag Co. At King 8t. (Tbomas block), Honolula, H 1. Th' i«i is <ieliT< r*"i l,y C >.rncr« in the mw. .'II <.nl"!rl> . SiD|;ie Oouim f>r iiale tu \rtrs Denlers anl ut the 0(5.« oi pahhealiua. . - - Edltor GE0RCE E. SuithiES ■ Mar.ager X()TICE. All l?nsini-i-i Comrauriciitkm« tthon1d be »<liires«< 1 tu George E SiaitLies Honoluln. II. 1. •' nwp« ■ ■ nuii'-:«ti <ns f.,r iinlilieniion «Lonld !*> n«idrr'se<l to the Eilitor llawuii M ilomnn. No noliee will be p»id to any ununyiuous eommumeaUumi. JJusiuess Cards A. T. FET£KSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 113 KuuLumanu S*rcet, IIouolulu liawaliau Is!ands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNET AT LAW. ll.’l Kauhumanu Street, Honolnlu H iwuiian lsluuds. PAI’L NEUMANN. ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Mercbant Street, Honolulu, Malnnl Telepbone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOB\F.Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offloe. OM Cupilol Hnii.iini;, (Honulnlu 4ule), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNEV AT LAW, Office, corner King >t Bethel Sts. LEM IS J. LEVEY. Retil Estate and Heneual Anctioneer. Coruer Fort an 1 Qu«ou Street», Honoluln Personul Rttention g ; ven to Sales of Fnrniture. Real Estate, Stook uu>l Oeneml MercLandise. Mutnal T<deihone 238 A. ROSA, attornev at law, No. 15 Knahnmauu St.. Houolulu, Hawaiian lslands. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gboceiiy, Feed Store A Baeebt. Corner of Kiug and Fort Sts., Honoluln THOMAS LINDSAY M( i h nfad uri ng Jeurlei u U'o/eA malvr, M ,-ī n t -rnv W.» , k. 4ŌS F.irt, Str, H<>iwdn j D F. G1CRTZ. IIAS EE-OPEXtD HI> Boot and Shoe Store, tne Ciub Stab’e on Fort Sln et. and wiil be g!ad to &oe bis old frieod& may7-tf.