Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, Stevedoix> axd AV recker. e.stdiates and contracts on ALL KINDS OF WOHK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, wiU ran Rgoltrtjr Letweea tLu j»rt and Wa*,da.S Kawaih«pei. Moknleia, Keawenui and Kaiki on the island *»f Ouhn For freighc, ctc , « f ply to the C*ptun. Inquire at OlTic n of J. S. Walker. ov r Spreckels’ JBauk, or Wrigbt Bros Fort Street. Hw !6 tf LongBra neli BAT HING Establishment. Tbis First-class Bathmg Resort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is uo better plaee to lay oli. Special aeeommodations for Lndies. Tramcars jiass the door every haif hourand on Saturdays and Sundays e ver)fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHLRWOOD Proprietor. DAINIPPON Hotel street (A-lington Elook.) The al»ove Storp hi s received aUother Spleudid Invoice of Japanese jS>lLK, C ANC Y Goods, Per S.S. ‘'China.” —OOMl’1 191X0— BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in all sli- de, plaiu aud tiitured. Cnshions, Tahle Cove,-s, BedCov»rs, Gown«, Cheiuises, S ;awls. Silt Cmpe Haiuliow Silks, AU Colors Fat cy Draperies, £HBROIDEREr HA1DKERGH1EF8, Doillies, Scarfs Sashes, Jackets, Ci j>s. Etc., Etc. NOVEGTIES: The Prices of these G> 01U will astonisli you indndiug ELEOaNĪ 8HK KIM0N08! HaniUome Cigarette Cases. Pia Cashions, Silk Tea Cossiei, LAKGE JM)SM»L1. J»ri>iESE KC«S Silk rmbrellas. li$ht but strong; Chair Saddles, Silk; Bamboo Blinds. t)tted with pulleys; Silk Lamp Shadet, u<. w style. JAPANK.SE sCKEEXs, Kmm $3 Cp. LlKliE J1PA5ESE UUKKELLl!» Can be Set wit _. Pole in the cr iand, nioe~for Pieniea or L iuches out of iloors, thev o*u be openeJ oct or ased «s « U nl, COTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VAR1ETV |yinspeotion RespestfoUy Invited. MRS. J- P. P. COLLACO, Proprietress. AprU-3m9 W. S. LUCE AVine aud Spii'it Nlerchant C<i mpbdl Firi-proof Bloci, MEUCHAXT ST. HONOLULU.