Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Not a Fake. [ARTICLE]

Not a Fake.

I A!tbocgh tho Vacconver di«- * patcb reiuting to the Hawaii — Japan treatv is incorrect in tbe detail, the fact reraains that the Jupanese GoverRnient has offi ; cially *tated that ;t wiil insisī in Hawaii falfiiling its treaty ob'.igations, and granting tae Japanese residents in Hawiii the same rights as the citizen of tbe most favored nnti n\r The p g. government received a disp«teh j»or Mom-w.ii yestenlay frora Minister II. W lrwin who infonned it of the attitade of t:;e •lapau*-se u r v« inai*-nt. ainl stat *«J tbat at j»rese t no tut.re J;»|«inese will eome to H «waii, »nd also that be will «rrive bere by tbe (»lelie. it is sarprising tbat inf'>riuation of s cb vast import >nce vīh s witlibe!d from tbe Conncils \* >;*mlii.. i • m itter is of snoh nl.ignitade tii.it it wili be go:d jx)iicy to iet tbe country at large know aj part:cuiar.s, and aS' st in devising w-.ys and meaus t<> j;et a sallicient labor sapply witb« ut sorrendoriug tlie j*olitic ii sup -em u-v of tHo Hawaiians to anv ciass or nee. With the low sug.ir prices, insufficieut l.il >>r and the tarilf-bill, tbe couulry has no j>icnic before it aud socrecv is certaiuly uot aj>j>roj>riate at tbis dato.