Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]

Hawaii PROGRESS Holomua.

Vol. III, Xo. 111.

Honolulu, Satui*day, IMay 1*2, 1S9-1.

Per 50 Ct^.

U\ ai.raii iiiolomnā PROGRESS.* fke Lite of the luini is Lstab!ūhea in Righiecmsncss. . X Il i U MAY 12 1894.

iliuuaii 'iiolouuu PFOGRESS. Tkc Ltfe ot !ke I.and is Estabhsfua tn Righ!(pusmss. i.OOUU MAY 12 1894.