Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(K'EANK' SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOCAL LINK. S. AL STHALIA. Arriv» Hnnoīaia L<>*Te H >aolu!n frujn S, F, ror S. F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. ‘24 Mar. 3. Ai>r. *21.. Apr. 28. May 19 May. ‘26. June 16 Jane 23. Throusjli I ūueFrom San Fr.m. f> r Svdney. i Arrive Honolulu From Syilney for San Frandsco. Leave Houolulu. The “ Eagle House” IE’oi SiiLE. The Lease and the Good I ('ill of this Favorite Family Hotel. THEHE ARE FOUR DETACHED C >tt:igcs :innex il to the Jfote! suitab!e f >rpriv:itv famUies. The main builditi<; contains ‘20 Bed Hooms large Dining Room. Pnrli>r. etc. The furnit»re is all eleg rnt anel in good condition. The Grounds are beautifnl!y laid out in Trees, Floweis. Ferus, and other Pl:mts. This business eui be br»ught at a bargiin ou easy terms as to payment. to T. E* KROUSE, Ar!ington H>>tel otKce. may 9-1 wk. Empire Saloon, South-East Cornēr Nuuanu and Hotel StreetS. CIioice Wines, Liauoi’E Tc Cioars ± » S A Splendid Assortment of oF \T ED Wifics Port Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE, myō 3m Manag >r LAB0R BDEEAD. THE AMEKIOAN LEAOI E Begs lcave to announee that it bas estab ishe>l an Employmem. Bnreiu m connection with the American Leigue. We will be pleased to furntsh you with skil leil or nnskilled labor witbout anv feo for the engaging sucb labor. The labor enrolled with ns is of the followiug natioaa!ities: American, Portugaese, Hawaiian. Oeman, And other Eoropean Nationalities Begging leave to open a cori respondence with you on tbi» ; subject, We remain, Tour obev!ient servants, The A\ceric\n Le.\gue E.hploy*evt Bciuuc. Address ail oommunicition3 to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. m»r 2S-tf. P. O. Box 498.