Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES. Stevedoix‘ axd AVreckei*. F>TTM ATF.S AXD CbXTBACTS oX A.LL KISDs OP WOKh. The schoocmer MAHIMAHI, will rnn regnUriv betwēea this port and Wūaloa, Kaw.ūliipvi, Moknleia, Keawenni and Kmki on the UIaad o( Oaha. •Zj For Preight, etc , app!y to the Capt.ua. Inqaire at Otficv of J. S. \Valker, ov-r 8oreckels’ Bank, or Wright Bro? Fort Street. __ JL Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathing Kesort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the public. It is the best plaee on the islancls to enjoy a bath and there is uo better plaee to lay off. Speclal aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fift'eeu miuutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor DAĪ NIPI’OA * HoteI street (Arlington Block.) The above Store has receive»l another Splendid Inveice of A PANE5E 3 1LK " ANCY Goods, r Per S. S. “ehina.’' —coMi'R:siNa — BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Drt*ss Goods in all shade, plaiu and tigured. Cnshions, Table Covers, I?«xi Covers, Gown«, Chemises, Shawls. Silk frape Hainliow Silks, AU Colors Fanoy Draperies EMBROIDERED HANDKERCH1EFS, Doillies, S,us! ., Jackets, Caps, Etc,, Etc. NOVELTIES: The rrii“e8 of these Goo«ls will astouish you including ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N08! Haudsomo Cig »rette Cas>s, ' Fin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, LllUlE AM> S>1 ILL JU’1\ESE Kl(iS Si'k CmbpeII.as. light but stronc; Chair Siuidles, Sdk: B,imboo Blmds, tittevl with pulleys; Sflk Lamp Shades, new style. JArA.VE.SG SCKEE>'S, Froni $1 l'p. LAKUE JAP1>LSK USBKELLIS r Can be Set with Pole in the gronnd, niee for Picnics or Laaches ont o( doors, they eau be opene.5 out or nsed as a tenu CUTTON CRAPES IX GREAT VARIETY LVIaspeetion Invited. MRS. J- P- P. OOLLAOO. Proprietress. A ;>r’.Ū-o ms W. S. LUCE Wine a7id Spirit Merchant C*mpbeU Fi 'e~proof Bloc*, MERCHA>TST. ho.nolulu.