Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — AT LAST. A P. G. Plan to Get Coin. [ARTICLE]

AT LAST. A P. G. Plan to Get Coin.

The t.iv-* xre to he r.iised. 1 be EsecQtire Oooneil 1ih> c<»nsi<ler»* I tb*; ill iraport<»nt rabject j to<lav After hrought tbe coantry t< ruin aml mnile the govemiuent hankrapt the only s-ilv»tion lies in an increabed : taxation. U»t how do you sup- , p' »* it is c >ntemplated to aeeomplish it? Iiv «do|»ting tho in , eome tu\' By Taxing sagar or } hy changing the lime of asses.s ing sngt«r from Juue—when the i crop is exporte<l—to Jannary, vrlien the crop is hore No! and N’o' ng.nn’ The p pnl.tr C) gov- j ernuu*ut of Hnwaii proposes to ni.se ihe i‘«»u. tax so that we in the fntnre will have to pay ?7.00 : a year instettd <»f 5fo 00. What say you now vou poor lnhorers jtnd workiug men. who sport the Hunoxation l»a<lgc and shouhler the p.g. rirle? Hawaii for sugar. ; for th»> rich aiul for the classes!! \ i’he poor be d ___________