Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THē /\w^f^DED ( A.nhenser-I>usch Brewini2r Co. w » n t'ae l?rize th. WorM*s Mair with their j a; Brand J3eer. >t r. ns O T 2S. 1893. ,Messbs. Macfarla.ve & Co., L’d. Honolnla. H. I. Dear S >■*: —We have mailed you a copy of the Glot*-D> , mocrat •innounein" tbe preat vietory won bv the ĀNi]ErsEH-Bcsh AssOCIAtion with their “EAOLE ’ ilraud of Beer. [Sigaed] ANHEUSER-BDSH BEWING ASSOCIATIOX. Tā 1 1 m• b i ? i Wk r. f 14 \\%M UJ3 vEP'WW e ’ r * 3* - •u 03 Bl | - - vf ■ j m ■ •Wj£ <r «E JV — m '*r ’V f lu orderinp this JBee. besure toa.sk foi the “EAGLE ’ Bra Mar. 1-4- 2iud. V Lacfarlane Co., Agents jor Ha 'aiinn Ishmds. AT THE CLUB STABLES. U CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. E Made at Stocklon, Cal. Scpt. 23, 1893. Sire, I i >inpter, by ■<■ I>ulL 1 ).i:n, Grsiv, t»y l»ticc.iut*t?r, —.G-*»t», I’r iii: |i t*■! is »ls»> th<- Sire »>f Aji. v, ‘2:'X; fr.msit, '2:2'\ : \V*lker, 2:'2:t ; Wales, -2:27 : t’hi<:o, 2:24 aud of the ]»aius Hrilliantme, 2:17 and V:"or, 2;2S. “Creolb” is jet black, one hiat white foot aud siuall stripe in (aee. \Vfight, 1,050 pounds; is very stylisli, gentle, u go°d pr°dncer and a uame race horse, Will st.uid for a limitcd unmbēr of mares al Ul* 1 \ J)' »i 1 AKS 101, THE S, AS(]N, payai)īe at time of serviee. This horst was l»red iu 1S92 to forty-s;i mares au-i j rodnced forty-twu caits. feb i“-i m 13 HDAYLS. 0R1)AVAT A P0RTER, Robinsou Blocl\ Hoiel S(., between Fort and Xuuanu, Have Jost lUc« \»d, ]rr I»tf Aniia : s, tl e i hif.t st Slt ek of FUE MILEE Ever lmported to t iis Couutrv, Comprisiug Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets Iia Solitl Oak. and of lhr LA TEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL AdTENTlON IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WIOK.E3H. WARE, Beant ful Des gn-. »»f W ick r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, JIŌCKEUS, eto.,vou eau get tiiese in snv FLNlSH vou Jesire. CHAIRS f Conntless numbors of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, ii.cluding OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. EHTEITSI01T TABLE3, We huve bad a nnmber of calls for these T,»b!es, with CHAIRS t> matcb. We have now :n stock the most BEAUTIFUL D!N1NG R30M FURN1TURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Cliiffoniers 17 331VA 3NT S. Dvans cover- vl with PORTIERS are becoming quite the rage in plaee ot LOl'NGES —w-* m:(Duf ictnre li’.em to onler. and have a laige stock of POBTIERS to seLct frora. SZBDI1TG. Gre »t Assortmentof WOVEN W IKE MATTRESSES—Spring. Hair. Moss, AVool :md Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order. UVE GEESK FEATHEKS aud SILK FLOSS for PU!ows. CRIBS. CKADLES. etc. WTNDOW SHADES of al! colors and siz s. COK>ICE POLES, in wood or bnss trimraings. E I -ES X 2ST <3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all L pbolstered Fnruitnre repaired at n &sonable n tes. |CABINET MAKING. in all its branches, by Oompeaeni Workmen. MA1T1NG LA1D u.d Int rior Decontr g nnder the Sut>erTisioQ of Mi OEOKOE ORDW r AY. Onr Goc4ls sre F.rst CDss, and prices are the lowest Come and be e »nviiiOt)d—a tri.-d is aolieileU. Bell 5'io. tklephones; Mutnar 64Ō. OiiDWAY Jc FO£TCB, Eohmaon Biock, between Fort aud Nnoanu i