Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

» Tue Advertisar who catcbes a perscms eya usaaliy wins a jccst<''ni-*r. M.»nv ditfercnt -tvlc■f ;ulverti'irt: h;»ve been ;».iopte»l ;iiul wilb mon? or snccess. by tbe believt rs in the use ef printers ink. The manufacturers ot Pear> S ap. for iu-t;itice, oocasion allv bnv painlinps that have been ou exbibition iu tbe Pari’s S;»lou and havo litliograpiis made . fiom them for the purpose of bringing their prodact bof<)re the •,h3 ple. la addition to snch -i.le i>-aes, Pearspends huudreds thonsands of dollais aunnally amoi’g the newspapors and maga/.ine». Some years ago the Agents of e 'itain articlo ou sale iu Nc\v \'<<rk maile a L :t iu advertising by baving on Broudway doring business hours two fatluessly dressed Xegroes wearing very high collars. on the b ick> of whieh was printed lso S;uiths Pills.” l’he ide.» was noveI and tlie pnhlie caugbt on. Bising Sun Stove Polish !ias beeu kept bofore the pnbiic for yetrs through persistent, and sometimes expensive advertising. Tweuty odd years ago the manufacturers of this polish started half a dozen men acros.sthe orniment to paint signs on rocks aud feuces. The Aormotor Co., of Chicago have iucreased its sales more than fi\e hundred per ceut in two years by tbe usa of printers ink. We . beheve we have been instrumental in increasing the sales of tho Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingly at it iu iiawaii. We do not wish to say tbat advertisiug will soll auy manufactured nrticle; thore is no use speuding money in advertising “eheap and nasty” gO(xls becau.se the people will not he hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohina was not tlie superior articlo iit is, all our udvertising of it would not i have sold the thousands of *pieces that we bave. Wo simply eall the attention of tho peuple to it and its superior qnality is apparent to tho customer directly a pieee of it is exarained. Printers ink has helped the sale of the James Locked l-’enee but it would not huve dones so if it had been as tiirasy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in baildihg it recommends it to the plantatiou inanager atul then its durability clinches the the salo. If the staya and washers cost as mueh as an ordinarv redwood post our sales of tbe raaterial wouhl not have reached sncb enormou.s proportious. Our average sale of tho Pansv Irou Stovo is about Iwo a dav tho year round. If was not the best iron stove on the market we would not sell tbat many m six months. Advertising is the tip t) the pnbl:c tho goud points in thearticle sells it just as the good qua!ities of the Fiseber Steel Lh»nge inake it a desirable article for people who wisb toeconomi.se in the use of fuel. We buy ouly what has proven good after people in the Cnited StaU*s or £urope have given it a tnal ; we profit by tbeir experince if Ihe articles are goood wo buv and sell them; if tbey are poo*r we steer clear of them. When wo a<lvertiso ao article it is to atlract atteution to it; the newspaper is tha button we push, the saiesman doos the rest. • Persistent advertising eoupleil with tho arf:clo beiug a saperior one has solJ thoasauds of the Iranc\\alcot Emory File. If it had been no better than an ordinarv scythe stone we probablv would not have sold twenty. | When a man finds out that his table knivesmay be kept.sh »rp at ; all times at an expen.se of tifty i cents and a ven>- littlo elhow lgreose he is quite wilhng to try the expenmeut, fb6 Eaiaie fiarāwars ,Ca. 307 Furt btreet