Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The wind is strong (oday from tbe North-e*st. No band this afternoon at the ba>eball game. Basines>. even in polioe circle« i» most qniet. -— I S->uci is a g»o l plaee to visit tomorrow. I “l neleTom s Cabin ' ton;glit’ at the Opera House. The tr-«mway ’basyet coutinaes to fright',g nevroos horse». — Tu« p. g. band concertizes at Em ua - juare this afternoou. It is ramored that work in p. g circles along the water froot tia.'> been stopped. The foreigu jarors havealready m de two reconb whieh sliow> ■tlieir “advanced Civiliz;itiou." There is considerable interest evinced in the Hawaii-Crescent game this afternoon. Mr. Mansons res:gnati<>n hs ■ bnsiness man:tger of the tr h»s not y> t beeu accepted. Mr , l)r., Liwyer, (no not lawyer) secretary, librurian etc. etc.; may join with •‘persimmons,’’ by eiemuii, as stars. The i\> t»t Seaman 8 Journnl « newsy paper is always on file at the Pacific Hotel. The eall for teuders for printing the rej>ort of the Einanee Department is indicative of ‘ Smiliug S m.” Messrs. Bishop aml Co. are reported to l>e willing to close up their business liere. No oue will miss them. The tree triinming on Mercbaut stroet whieu the Holomi a called attention to, has beeu attonded to. Thanks. for the puhlie. i i i A variety combination will leave in a few days for the other 1 islands. Mirth, music, minstrelsy and athletics aro 011 tbe pro- ! gramme of eveuts. ’ 0 i 1 j 1 , The ragged emblems whieh fly . I from the poles of tlie Executive i buiidiug (neē Palaee) atul the Anuexation C!ub are two of a . kind; ragged and most disroputable to the couutries whieh the » i i dai:s are iudicative of. I ° • i The Schedule. i | > Baseball Gam a ; S*?ason 1894. l ! > ' 1 Mny 12 Hnwaii vs. Crescent 2 May l!l Crvmvut vs. Knmekmuehn " ; M«y 2<> Kamehaniehn vs. Hawaii I ; M»y 30. . ... _ .Crvseeut vs. Kamehameha ; Juue 2. Hawaii vs. Crescent t : -luae !> Cres«.s rt vs. Kaiueh»ni«-ha > Jnne 16 Kamehameha vs, Hawaii 1 Jnne 23 ilawaii vs. Cre#oeut ' Jnue 30 Crn-scvut v<. Kam- hauieha > Jnly 4 Kamehameha T8. H.iw* i ? July 7 Hawaii vs. Crescent '> | Jnly !4 Cre>cent vs. Kamohameha l J ily 21 Kamehauieha vs. Hawaii < July ■_’■> Hawaii vs. Cfescent ’ VUi.-. 4 . . V’rvscent vs. Kamehameha 1 Auj;. 11 Kamehameha vs. Hawaii 1 ' V«c. 1> Hawaiivs. Crvsevnt > Vul;. 25 .... Civscvnt vs. Kamehameha ■ Se|U. I Kamehameha vs. Hawaii V ‘ Sept. S Uawaii vs, Crescvut r Sei>t, 15 >., .Cirvsccat vs. K.uuehameha > i