Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — The Gallagher Case. [ARTICLE]

The Gallagher Case.

Thecaseagainst J>ea Gallagher for mayhem. was cailed this morniug. After uuR3erons ehallenges .i jnry was obtained at 12 o’el -k n< ’Oii, c<>nsistingof Messrs Mett. Scott, J. T. Waterhouse. Van Doorn. G. Harris. J. Lucas, J. D.>wselt. Wilfeinson, Cluney, Arraitage. Von Hami aud Frank Hustace. The conrt adjonrned till 2 p. m.. when the proseoution opeue.l bvcallingMr. Wm. Love. The next witness was Peter Lncas. W. Kinney appears for the prosecution and Gallagher is represented by Cecil I3rowu and C. W . A.shford.