Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — AT LAST. A P.G.Plan to Get Coin. [ARTICLE]

AT LAST. A P.G.Plan to Get Coin.

The t.ixe» are to bo r.ii>e«i. The Exeeotive Couoci! ha» consider>- 1 tb>‘all iiuportmt >r.bject to>lav After baving l>rougbt tbe c »uiitrv t.< r.iin iii;t>le tin-g')v>>n!m»-!it bankmj>t tlie on!y s.-tlvation li»*s in an iiicre:»»e t taxation. ButH>»w do y>.»u suj>j> >*■ it i» e nlenii'l.ile*! to aeeoiu-j>1i-!j it 7 Bv *nloj*ting the in eome tii\' By ta\ing sogar or bv ch»i)g i.g the time of «»»es» iug sugar fntu Juue —when the croj> i» e.\port(*d—to Janoarv, when tb*> crop i» here 7 No! aml \>>' .ga;n The j> rni.tr *!» gov emmeni <>f Huwiii proj»>»>-> to rii»e the i*oi.i. ta\ so that we in tli«! future will have to pay CHJ n year in»?<-ad of >•> <>0. \Vhnt »ty \ou m»w vou j»oor laborers nnd working raen, who sj>ort ihe iiune\ation badge and shoukler the j>.g. ririe ? Hawaii for sugar. for t!ie lieli and for tlie classes” The j»oor be d