Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

T H e x\.nheuser-T3usch Brewing Co. Win; the ze at the A\ jtTail > with their EAGL M J3raii<i 33eei\ st. Lons. Oct. *2S, 1S93. Me>'KS. Macfarla.ve Co. . L’d., Hoaolulu. H. I. Dear Sir —Wa have mailed you a copy of tba Globe-Demo< rat announein" the grreat victory wou bv the Axhei'ser-Bush As>ociatiox with their ‘ £AGLE ’ Brauii of Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSER-BUSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. 3 h * * @ m o 4 < — % 6 « -; ■- 1 2, -Sf ■P ■ ■^5 mn vC SL * C 5URiSK N * e 55; $ . . ordoriug this Boer be sure to ask for the * ‘EAOLE’’ Braml. Mar. 11- 2ud. Macfarlane <fe Co., Agents for Hawaiian īslunds. AT THE CLŪB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire, Pr:>mpter, 2,305, by Blrc 15h1L 7'>; D.uu, Graoe, by Bneeaneer. 2,(j."i6. Prompter is also th s;r.- of Ap. i, 2:2t>; Transit, 2:261; Walker, 2:231; W*le.s, 2:271; A’hieo, ‘2:24: 2:17 *tgor, 258. whue fi>ot an.i small stripe iu face. \Veight, I,0ō0 ponuds; is verv stvlish, penlle, a goo«l pr lueemml gau>. r>»c? horse. Will stanl for a limited nnm»x>r o£ īuares u FIL 1A (?ō0> Dv.)LI,AkS F0R THE SEAS0N, payable at time o£ »ervioe. This horse »as bred iu 1502 to forty-six mares aul produced forty-two colts. feb 17-im 13 IT DAV1S. 0RWAY k F0RTIR. Hohimou Bīoch, lloiel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, I Have Just Bec€ivtd,j er I otc Anha]s. 11:e J fupest !?tcck of FUR MTUBE Ever Imp0rted to this Country, ComprisiDg Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Koliil OnU. andof ike LATESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0X IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICK1ER Beaut f;tl D. s gus of Wicker Ware, consisting of S0FAS, CHA1RS, BOCKERS, etc., vou ean get these in anv FIMSH you de>ire. CHAIRS, j Coantles< nambers of CHA1RS, in everv stvle, including 0FFICE an.l HIOH CHAIKS. z:s:tsitsioit tables, We bave had a nnmber of calls for theso Tables, with CHAIRS to matoh. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROO!VI FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Chiffoniers x>i n>j s. i Divans covered with PORTIERS are becoming quite the rage in iplaee rf L0FNGES—we manuf.icture theui to order, and have a i i;4ige >to2k of PORTIEKS to seiect from ; BESriIITG | Grt t A- rtment o£WOVEN W1RE MAITRESSES—Spring, Hair, lMoss, Wool and Str.iw Mattresses on hand and raade to order L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and S1LK FL0SS for Piiiowa. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WIND0W SHADES of all colors aad sizes. CORMCE POI.ES, in wood or br iss tri(nmings, B3 E3 3=.a. Miittresses, Lounges and all UpholstCred Furniture repaired at reasonable retes. CABINET MAKING. iu all its branches, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LA1D ».nd Inr rior Decor-tutg ūader the Saj)ervisiou of Mr. GEOEGE ORDWAY. |j Our Gch i> re F rst Clnss. an>l our prices are the Ioweot Come and be e -nvinced—a trial is »dieited. Bell 52ō. thlephones; Matcai 645. 0PkDT\ AY >x P0RX£B| BiOck, between Fort and Nuoanu