Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES. Stevedoro a»d AVrecker. E8TIXATES AXB COXTHACTS OX ALL KIXI>S OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. «ill run re>mUrir b»t«'ea thi« pon in-i Waiiilu, K»Wiulup'ii. \loknleia, Kea'o'enai •ad Knki on tar islanJ of Oaha. _ For Freight, etc , »p >!v to Captain. Inquire at Oflic? of J. S. \Valker, o\>r Sj reckels’ Bauk, or Wrigbt Bros Fort Street. <W 16- f Lon^ Braac]i BAT HING Establis-hment. ThisFirst-clas5. Batlnng Resort has been enlarj;ed and is now open to the pu ilie. It is the best plaee on the islands to ecjo\a bath and there is no better plaee to Iay ofl. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tran: cars pass the door evtry ha!f hour and ou Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. C. J. SHE RWOOD Proprietor. 1 V Hotel street (Ailington Block.) The alxjve Store h; s received another Spleudid I uvoice o( Japanese ; Silk, FaNCY jjOODS, Per S. S. “China.” -coMi‘f isrxo— BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in all sh; de, plain and K)ured. Cnshious, TaMe Covers, BedCovtrs, Guwns Chemises, S'iawls. Si)k Crape Haiuhow Silks, All Colors Far cy Draperies, EMBROIDERE! HI.WKE8CH1SFS. Doillies, Scarfs. Sasttfs, Jackets, C, ;-s. Eto., Efc. XOVELTIES: TTie ?rices of these G< o<ls will astonis j you inch.ding ELEOaNĪ SI.K KIM0N08! Handsome Cigan tte Cases. l‘n Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, L!RUE IXD S*ILL JH’iSESE KlbS Silk Umbrellas, Lcht but stroug; Chair S,vl.lies, Si 6amboo Blinds, t lfed with pulle; s; Silk Lamp Shades new style. JArA.NE.SE sCKEENS. From $3 Vp. URGE JiPl5E\K I IBRELLIS Can be S<t with Pole In the gronud, niee tor Picnios or Lucches ont of loors, they ean be upened out or ased as a knl, CUT10N CRAPES 1N GREAT VARIETY Cyin>pection Besp«r- tfully Invit#d. M£S. J. P. P. ( OLLAOO, Proprietress. AprI_-oms W. S. LUCE ■Wine and Spirit Merchant CampbeU Firt-proof Block, hlERCHANTSI. HONOLULU.