Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Wake Up. [ARTICLE]

Wake Up.

K. VS Irx;n, Haw;iiian Mini-| stt?r tj J tpan. arrtved in Houoialu yestenlav on the G*elic. i He w is uot ex[>ected — Ad>vrtiaer. ! The offieial organtuis morning pnblishes tbe abcve interesting item. Tbe Holomua told its ; re.tder» as soon as the Monowai wjs i.i that Mr. K. W. Irwtn bad| sent i d:spatoh to the govern-! uieat and that he would arr:ve: by U.e Gaelic Nevertheless his arrive was “unexpected” by the' ever-somniferous Adveriimr. i * K i ’ •> ,.