Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Entries for the llth of June races ure coming in very slow!y. If tbe owners of borses don’t sbow any more interest iu the proposed meeting thaa at present demonstrated the rcsalt will be thut tbere will be no races. AnJ if tbe races tbis year are a failare the Hawaiian Jockey Clab will virtaally cease to exist. Tbe borses of Messrs Horuer, Ballentine, Cornwell, Rickard and Spanldicg Lave not 1* -.-n Leard £rcm yet. and thēre is ou/ three weeks till the day of the festive moētiDg. It is to be hoj)ed that our sportsmea will get “a movē on.” especial!y as Socretary GitLm! bas spared no expease iu gettmg tbe track in a first c!ass conditioa.