Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


— Mr. Hay Wodehoasa 15 (raiaing in be»lth. The B<>ard of Heaith is meeting thi» aferaoon. Aostralia dae on Satarday. new- date-5 to Ma\ T2th. i The Ohampion will remain in port her~ for some weelis vet. The p. g band couoertizes this evening at Thomas square. The Rjnger is not eipected in port nntil after the Aastralia .iirives. I’he Executive and Advison - ConnciIs are expected to meet to- i m«*rrow, as nsaal. The steamer Oaelie took forward yesterday. from here, 4831 ietters and “2100 pkgs papers. Another four company “regi-, ineuhil'’ parade is expected *to! take plaee on next Friday eve. Manager Requa sticks to his occupation of inaking pine-apple* cocktai!s for thirsty customers. — Captaiu Zcigler's company worktd in military movemeuts for aboat ao hoar on Palaee I Square, tbis uoon. — TIie Kams aud Crescents will forega(ber on the baseball gronnds next Saturday. Patro-! nize the boys. T . 1 “Aloha” a high grade oil for j bousebold use may be had fiora tlie special agents, Messrs. T. 11 Davies «fc Co. Qaeen street. — Dai Nippon the popular Jananese store on Hotel slreet, kas received roany new and eleg-iut goods by the stoauer Oaolie. Josie Gassmann, a general ; favorite, for her ability as ’ a I (iamueae, is the drawing )card tonight at the Opera House. — MadaraePele’s iuteresting voleanie pyrotechuics aro exhibited daiiy aud nigbtly at present. A j change of programme every day.; Jmlge Cooper fined two Ieading; missionaries 82.00 eaeh yesterday j for not being present at roll eall ’ of foreign jnrors in the Circuit! ; Court. Even if the “ad ’ does not ap- ! pear it is but r:ght to direct the ■ utteiition of laml buyers to the opportunities whieh Pearl City : lots aftord. Tlie Kumniel eoeeoelion whieh Major Wolters of the Pacific Hotel has inaugurated is an ini vigorator iuneh appriceated by those with a “tired feeling.” The ’ Ti<er vcry appropriateiy heads a noliee of the divisiou of funds obtained from tbe famons Feast of Naiioua, puneh included as “‘Dividing the SpoiIs.’ The Shanghraun a popular play found on Irish fucts and fictions, will be g;ven at the Opera i Hoose tomoxrow evening. The AruericaiH?)League will be pres ! ent in a body. At a meeting of the so-called Aunexution club the other even- 1 ing an attempt to siug the Star Spangled Bauner proved abortive! not ono person being able to recall the lines of the first iverse. — • ■ - Mr W. G. Smith. tlie latej i eapahle editor of the Siar, is re1 ported to be niaking preparationsj for departure for San Fraacisco, or dlsewhere, by the bark lrm-, gam whieh will sail about the 22ud inst, A draniatLaation o! Mrs. Henry Wood's novel Eust Lynne was presenUd tc ara!r-s;xjd audieucc at the (J}»erd Houae laai even:ug. Tue cb«ractcrs were iaken by raemb«>rs of the l)ailey Co. «ni Ihe rendition was inturesting to thoae proseut.

The bnrglan at An«lrew’s I Priorv, bv whieh the chiidren ! } lost a sam of m'-nev colleetcd bv them foi the purpose of placiug a tabiet over tb i grave of oue of their deceased eompaniona, is liable to prove a po2zle to the ’ poliee. ' i . Messrs. Castie i Cooke receive ! a credit mark I . * the work given sby thera to Hnwaiian» in tbe making of impn>vementN »t tbeir plaee of ba>ia<-s. Mr. £. C. Kowe hus chargo of tae p »inting there -.t iul all f his emplovees I aie Hawaiians. Mr. Mortem; r Snow s rendition of Sir Fnncis Levis.in in ! E»-t Lyune was a portrayal of a i.haracter whieh ho made true to | uature. .Miss Gene Nannary’s i presentation of iiarbara Hare was an excelleat etFort for so young are actre.-s. Honolulu Queen, tho property : of Mr. W. M. Ci.nnir.gham . f this citv, wonh.1 be verv |*iease.l if she j eoo.l umh rstand t!.;;t her ;itter- i brotber Gienraore Clipper took fiv-t ]*r;ze at tlie B-mch show, hehl at Los Ai'geies Calif. from t ! ie lSth to the :.lst of last montb. '■ The compesition \v.is very clo.se especially in tbis class, Irisb Setters.