Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 May 1894 — A Kind Act. [ARTICLE]

A Kind Act.

t days »go a feeling of j indignation swept over the town! by a report —ooly too true —that I r some contemptib!e sconndrel bad ; burglarized the “English Sisters' School and abstracted the few doIlars saved by the girls for the purpose of erecting a tombstone over the grave of a departed , school-mate and friend. The| mites of the childreu «ere rnthlessly robbed, &nd the good work- , of the little oues eame to naught. , Fortanately, for the peaee of thei |children, who hadcarefallv saved . tbeir nicbe!s and diraes. a benevoI lent gentleman, in the shape of Consul F. A. Schaefer, stepped L forward &nd generous’y lilled the ierapty bauk with nickels and dimes corresponding with the anionnt stolen. and happiness , prevails onee more in Saint Andrews Priory, and kind expressioas are sent to the considl erate frieuds of the school and of ( the yonngsters.