Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3tart ua!eJ3 withdrawn by 12 o’eloek no» u on Jtine l*th, 1** 4. £tP~All hor? - mii'*. apjear on the track at the tap of the bell from the Judirt# stand: oth«rwise lhey will be fined. G«o«nI ».!dmūstoa -V c<rnfc» Grand {«xtraj 50 oent» an<i |j Curi»ge [ināide 0f coarv'| «eh $*’. "'O Qa*rfcrs£reu-h hjnlg« $£.50 AV. M. Oitfard, Sccretary H-iwaiian Jockey Cli;b. tnav 10 —2 vrks d.v OCEANIC SteamsliipCo Time |Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTHALIA. Arrive Honolahi L 'are Honolulu from S, F, ror S, P. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3 | Apr. 21 Apr. 28. Mayl9 May. 26. June 10 J une 23. Througfh £»ine* From San F»n. for Sydney. Arrive Honolulu AIameda Mar Marij»osa At»r Monow.ii May Alameda June M iriposa July M mowai Ai g A : ameda A u g Mir:pos,i Sep Monowai Oct 15 12 10 7 5 2 30 27 25 From Sydaey for San Fraaeisco. Leave Houolulu. The “ Eagle House ” J=Tox SiiLE. The Lea.se and the (rOod of fhis Fauorite Family Hotel. THERE ARS FOUR DETACHED C >ttapes annpx*d t« lbe !fntel suit »ble f'rprivate f imili»-». The main building contiins 20 Bed Rooms l-trge L)ming Hoom. Parlor, etc. The furnit!» is all elegmt and in g f »od condition. The Grounds are beaulif illy l»id nnt in Tret8, Floweis, Ferns, and Aher Pianl». This bosin?s8 em b" br>»Jght »t a bargiin on easy terms as j ayment. I £AF“App!v to i| ' T. E* KROUSE. . I Arlmgton Hotol office. may 9-1 wk. DAX. LAO.N^ DANCIHQ CLASSES . e Me-t al Aron HiU ev9n* TtESDAY and FKIDaY EVeC r — NINGS, at 7 O'eloek. Also, everv SatiP.DAY AptKB3I00X 2 O’el ek. on at i Taition, 2'> cenis Lr eaeh »oa, aod sxtisfaction gaaranteed or no cliarges znade. may &-l£