Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Business Cards MACFAKULXE & C0. Dealers in Wlnes and Spirits KmaLumaaa S:re«t, Hon'ilnla. H. F. BERTELMANN, COXTRACTOB AND BUILDER, 8f> King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWAED, CONTRACTOR a.vd EUHOEK, So. 506 King Street, Honoluln. Hawaiian Island>5. UARR1S0N BROS., GT OONTRACTORS AXD BU1LDERS, 208 Fort St., Honolulu. M. H, LOHEIDE, SIGN AXD ORNAMENTAL PA1NTER. [Hawaiian Hardware Co>3 All orders promptly attended to. PACIFIC 8AL00N, Comer King and Nnuanu Streets. EDW. WOLTER... Manager. The Finest selecrion of LIQUOBS and BEER, sold anywhere in the town. First-cla»s attendeuce. Call and jndge for yonrself. no S0-tf. Bell Telephone 381. P. O. Box 32 W. W. WR1GHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and 80 King Street, Honoluln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST.^s Corner of King and Bethel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on King Street. Officf. Hocrs —From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1to 4 p.m. 137" Sundays excepted. J. PHILL1PS, PKACTICAL PLUMEEK, GAS.FITTEE COPPERSMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honoluln. “ FAT BOY.” 8AL00N ! P. Mi INEENV, Froprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cornkr Bethel and Hotel Sts. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Grocekt, Feed Store «fc Bakeri, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolnln Capt. Wm. Davies, !NTER-!SLAND PILOī FOR Any Port or L;mding in the Hawaiiau Islauds. Inoniie &t offioe of J. S. Walkxr orer Sprecke!’s Bauk. feb l4*tf. W.W. WRIGHTASON & Camage Wagoo Bailders In All Its Branches. Horseshoeing A SPECJLALTT. 97 &nd 80 King St, Honolulu