Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 116, 18 May 1894 — An Amateur to the Front. [ARTICLE]

An Amateur to the Front.

The was performed last night by the well, i known Dailey Stock Company. The pnneipal ro!e in the faraous plav h»d been taken bv Mr. * I - Julien D Havne, a piominenl iegal gentleman from New York, , who lately has gained tbe admiration of this community by his clever Ietters publisbed īn differ-j fnt loeal orgms. Mr. Hayae w.»s simp‘y immense. and his, presence among the Dailey players bas placed that combination among the foremost artistes of i America. T:.e criticism of Mr., Hayne, in the Advertiser. was simp!y cansed by the fact that • the gentleman is obnoxious to tbe j reform partv, beciuse he bas i written his candid opinions of present circamstances, and because be alloweil himseif a few “says" against the p. g. It is hoped thac Mr. Hayne will l>e seen again on the boards.