Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 117, 19 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, 3rM2:orer, Stevedor\> AVD W recker. E«TIMATES AXD roXTRACT3 0X ALL KIXDS 0F WOBK. The Schoooner MA.H1MAHI, wīll rna r*gaiarir ber<rt«a this por* »ad K*'<vaib*ptū, MokaWU, Keawenai •ad Kaiki on the isUai of O&ha. For freight, etc , apaly to thc Captaia. Inquire at Oflic a of J. S. V\*alker, over Sireckels’ Bauk. or Wright Bros Fort Street. dec 16-'f Long Brancli BATHING Establifjhment. ThisFirst-clas;> Bathing R< sort bas been enlar{;ed and is now opeu to the pu )lic. It is the best p!aco on the isiands to enjoy a bath and there is no bdter plaee to lay oti. Special aeeommodations for L; dies. Trancars pass the door evoiy half hourand on Saturdays au<l Sundays every fifteen miuutes. e. j. she:rwooo Proprietor. i' Hotel street (Ailington Blook.) The above Store h; s received another Splendid 1 uvoice of fl APANE8E 1LK, jjOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMI*F ISISO—BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dn»ss Goods in all shfde, plaiu aud tijrnred. Cashious, Table Cove-s, BedGovtrs, Gowns, Chemises, S;iaivls. Si Crape Haiohow Silks, All Colors Farcy Draperies, EMBROIDEEEI HMDKERCHLSFS, HoiUiee, Scarfs, Sssht 5, J*ckets, Ci pe, Etc., Etc. NOVEVriES: The ITices of the&e Gt ods ■wiU astoai.sh you incli.ding ELEGaNT SILK KIM0N08I Handsome Cigan tte Ciuses, Pia Cashions, Silk Tea Cossies, UKUE 1ND SM1LI. JlPJSESE BUG8 Silk Uaibrella.s, l;jht but strong; Chair Saddles, Si k; Bamboo Blinda, t tted with piullejs; Siik Lamp Shade s aew styie. J APA\ E>E SCBEKKS> From $3 Cp. L1BGE JlPlH£iS 11BRELLI8 Can be Set wi:h Pole Sn the gr>un.l, nioe tor Picnics or Le.aehea out of ioors, they ean be opened out or ased as a n at. COTTON CRAPES IX OHEAĪ VARIETV Inspection Kespe tfaliy Invited. MBS. J. P. P. (’OLLAOO, Proprietres3. Aprl!-3ajs W. S^LUCE "Wine and Smrit Merchant C-vnpbell Fin~proof Block, M£BCHAXT ST.. HOSOLULU.