Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — Poor Morgan! [ARTICLE]

Poor Morgan!

, , ■ I I Senat>r Morgan is getting rebakeJ j.ll aroand for his mean attacks on tbe Fre.sideat in his Alahama speeches. Several southern uew>papers have called him shurply to acconnt for charging that C!eveland's nominatioiat Chicago was bonght with money, and are practicaliy jjecring at the list of uuthorities i—Hill. Uonnan and the like—whom A!organ cites in support of his cbaige. Morgan most have beeu ii desperate straits for reasous to justify his antagonism to Clevoland. or he wonld never I have eiposed himself to the ; a!most nniversal condemnation with whieh his section has greeted his s *audal-mongering. Xhe Louisvi!Ie Conrier-Jouraal has tnrucd t a hiui a!so and convicted him of ti 1 1 self-eontradictioQ j in bis rvsont attitude oa the | ,Uriti‘. M hen the McKinley bili; was before ths Senate, Morgan ; was ooe of ihe most streuuous 1

Adrocates of free iron ore,and| I eoal, espeeially tbe former. He i >poke in opposition to any daty at all on ore. repestedly, and made some of the most conviac:ng argomeats in the Senate on that sicle- Now Le has fiopped to the ! otber side. »