Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Board of HeaiLh mav meet tomorrow Rfternoon. Eall dress affair on- board the lakaohiho tocigbt. The Dailey Co, wiil probably make an inter-island tour. A Celebrated Case” is on to- , night at the Opera IIoQ»e. AVind today, light northeast, wenther as of yesterday, warm. Mr. Ilobert Gardiner of Kahului retarns home by the Ciaadine ( this evening. Mrs. Gans’ lectare at Kawaiahao la=t evening was most interesting and enjoyable. Miss Aolaui Cummins is maeh better today. althoagh still eonfiaed to her residence. — The next game of baseball, the fouith of the season, will be between the Kams aud Hawaiis. The reception ou board the Japanese man-of-war īakaehiho promises to be a most interesting afiair. The report of tbe doings of the Dailey Company appeariug in tonight’s i»nper was inadvertently ' 1 omitted iu our yosterday’s issue. • It is noted with pleasure that t Mr. Hay Wodehouso is iraproving iu health, and has been able to sit np in his bed for the last few days. Judge Cocper is the only judge for mauy a day who has been able ! to get through the calendar set for a term. Ho doesn't staud any fooling. Lieutenant Boeter, tho fruit and uo-clothes-weariug gentlemau is in town. He doesn’t wear a hat but he keeps his shirt on. Evidently uot a p. g. “Bufialo” from Sacram?nto oa iee at the Koyal. George Hawkins the genial mannger, of ihe ! “Bnfialo Beer” is simply immense and so is the boer—says tbo indulgers. SinsSouci is now uumbering i s patrons by the hundreds. The , slide dive, whieh is in vogue there. attrac‘s uumerons iuquisitivo people who on trial leain I “how it is done.” The Kinau left this afternoon on her usual route. Araong the passengers we uotice Mr. Charles Magnire of Kahua, who returned home after a short visit to his father-in-lnw. Hon. Samuel Parker. - Charles Molleno the well-known tonsorial artist brought up some tom«toes from his garden in Ewa whieh proved to the town that Pe«rl city is the coming plaee. Who wouldn't be John Thomas? Or Charlie? Or tho tomato? Eaeh !, of them (the tomatoes) weigh 4 (four) pounds more or less. Acertain prison-lnna istreating the men in his custody in a most outrageous mauuer by beating and kieking them on the pub!ic road. If Mr. Low and his; superiors apprave o(. tbis brutal discip!ine they shoald order it confined to the prison and not disgnst citizens and their wives by the rongh exhibition on the maiu thoroughfares. ■ ■■ The “Adams’ J case is still going on before a Hawaiian jury at the Circuit Court. It will hardly be fiuished today. The case whieh deals with the contest of the will of Mr. Adams is of some importance, the property ia qnesticn is being valued at $15.000. Messrs. Rjs». Haitwell and Ashford appear for the eontestants, and the devisees are represented by Messrs. Kinney; and Oeeil Browu. ‘