Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — Success For Ever. [ARTICLE]

Success For Ever.

Howeyer preferences may vary and tastes ditfe: in regard to the excel!ence of Satnrday night’s pieces at the Opera Hou3€— i tbere ean be bnt one opinion regarding the merit of their proi duction. When it is known that the audience cnal!enged and . expected to laugh—tbe actor has i before him an embaiTHSsing task. fn ordiuaty dratnas bits of bnmor may be received witb appreciation or laek of appiebension vaiying with tbe chan>.cteristics of the uearer. But in skits like the ’ Crushed Tragedian aod Mulea hy s Visit, the artist mnst divert by a niee distinction bs tween silliness and tarneness This happ\* me..'ium was attained by the Dailey tronpe on Siturday aight, Mr. Vii.ton as Muldoon was geuteely fanny, Mr. Daiiey was uproarionsly lndicrous as Mulcahy, and Mr. Lloyd as the bad man, Pete Beicher, iuterpreted his part with a fidelity calcnlated to make the famous gentlemeu from Bitter Creek and s Bodie, paie witb envy. Tbe other parts were taken witb spirit. Tbo Serj>entine dance by Miss Ga?sman was tl.e featuro of tbe , evening. Tbe management is advised not toomit tbis attraction frora coraiug entertainments. On Tuesday night will be presented tbe “Celebrated Case” by D.’Euuery, ant ior of “Two Orpbans.” Thii drama is justly famous on botb .’ontinQuts. The sceue is laid during tbe Franco-Prussiar War. After tbe battle of Lord Fanntleroy, Jon. | Benand a gallant French so!dier leaves the eamp on a visit to bis wife and children. He is a!so tbe bearer of papers; and jewels entrusted to him by tbe dying Court do Mornay for; delivery. Lazarra, a eamp fol-1 lower and body-robber wituesses j tbe trausfer and assassinates tbe : wife. lleuana i:> arrested and on j tbe testimony of bis cbild is eon-! victed and seut to the galleys for, li£e. Subsequently, tbe ehild isI udopted by tbe Coantess D’Anbiguey t:irongb tho instrnmeatality of O Ronrke an lrish! sergeant. An intricate web is woven around tbe bogus Countj resnlting m tba hberation of Renaod and tbe coaviction of De Moruay. The play aboundsi in a series of bighly colored | dramatic situutions. The person-| ation of Jno. llenaiul by Mr., Darrell Viuton is one of bis! favorite casts. !Miss May Nan-; nary plays Madeline aml Adri-, eune with great etfect. The j charact -rs assigned are not new to the performersgenerally whieh insures an artistic rendition. Mrs. Dr. MeLennan has kiudly rendered possible the production of this truly th illing drama by volunteering the role of Countess D'Anbigney. T10 play is beautifully dressed and staged and promises to be the most successful pieeo yet pla;:ed by this raost excelleut compmy. FIomter’s wife and prcbably ‘Monte Cristo” repeated will termiuate repertoire, whieh has been signally, marvellously drawing. eonsidering the har,l times.