Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — The Scheutzen Club. [ARTICLE]

The Scheutzen Club.

, - Tbismorning‘s AdveH<ser illastrat«?s tbe necessitv of a newsgutbercr not mixing bis drinks during the budness bonrs of night. The news item abont thej )Schaetzen Clnb organizing two military companies last evening is simply tbat two shooting parties were forcied fora fiiendly contest in the clnb, for target practice. One company is eomposed of Germans, the other, whieh is uamed the CosmopoIitan, b9Īng those who hail from other couatrie? and who are aiornbers of the Sahentzen Club. The prize wiii probabiy be not less tban tea galions of dot Iager bier. Huoety Slb, pleaso don't take away ourroyalist breath by Loldiog np tbo ghost of new military companies. We can’t I 8tand it, and yoo are nok qoite

I - I certain that snv such addition tc , the army wou!d not denmge tbe i recently *cquired knowledge of ' tbe Brigadier-Colonel with the ', rank of Cadet. Go slow dear bov. e-