Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, rJisrger, Stevedoix" AXD W recker. E- c TnCATES AXD COXTBACTS OX ALL KIXDS OF WOBK. Tbe Schoooner MAHIMAHI, wiii roa n*guUrly M*-«a thi» x»<n »nd WnUlua. KawwUi|»!. MoknWi*, Kenwenui *nd Kiīiki nn the nJ.nd of Onhn. For Freight, etc , »ppJy to tbe C»puin. Inquire at Offio° of J. S. W«lker. ov«r Sj>reokel«’ Bank. or WriuLt Bro« rort Street. <Ur lR-«» Long Branch BAT H 1 NG Establishment. īhu ]'irst-cl»Hs Bathing Resort has heen enlarge«l aml is now oi>en to the puhlie. It is the hest j>!aoe on the islands to enjoy a hath and there is no better j>lace to lay oll. Sj>ecial aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars j>ass tho door every half hourand on Satur>iays and Sundays overy fifteen minntes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. 1)AI NIPPON Hotel street lArlington Block.) Thc «borc Storc Ihik reccivc<l another Splcntiid Inv»:oc of i APANE5E p ANCY |jOODS, Per S. S. “ehina.” —COMrKISI>T. — BEAUTIFUL SILK DAN CRAPE, G >. is in al! shado, plaiu aud tigured. Cushion«. T«ble Corm, bed Covers, Oowns, ehemiaea, Shawls. $\\i Crape Hainlww Silks AU Colors Fancy Draperies, EMBROIDERED HAHDKERCHIErS, Hoillie», St'*rfs, Srtsti(ss, Javkets, ('»{«, Etc., Ete. * XOVELTIES: Thc r*riees ot lhese Good« will astonish you moladmg ELECANT silk kimonosi Handson>e Cigaretfc Ciises. l“*n Ouahioua, S»lk Tt« Cv>«de*s LIRGE AM» MIILL KIGS S>lk Cmbrellaa. light bul strong; CUair S*tldle», SiU;» lUnihoo Bliuda, titlcd with paUcys: Suk lakiup Sh«d«s uew atyk. JAPAXCSB sCKKtNS, From »3 l>. LilUiE JlPiXEME l *BRELLLS C«n bc Sc>. with PoW> in the ground, nioe for Pio&k» or Lunehoa oul ol doors, thcy ean bc opcned out or used as a tcal. COTTON CKAPES 1N GREAT VARIETY L"yIn#i>ts-;K n RcepcetfuUy lnvited. MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO. Proprietress. Ai>r!.-3uis C.T. AKANA fi]e?cjiaijti īailop 1 324 Nunanu Straet -A.11 Buits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Styie. Clothes Oieaned aud Eepaired. nol7<