Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — The State of Nature!! [ARTICLE]

The State of Nature!!

Sc*«»tt! dicl they do on l> >ard tho Taknchiho t<> the ©ditor o! tho Adverli»er Iast night? He is pnblishing a j>hilosopliical »ssuy tod.iv whieh ni«kes the readers of the moruing “Boiler l’laie” grin and wish th«t the portals »>f Mr. Anld’s asylnm woulel open, and nwallow the litth» scribbler. Lientenant Boet»>r hns infected Mr. Castle. The e\ ollicer »>f the ‘soinething hnssnrs has captured the goo»lwill aml sympnthios of the young aprig of the s»di»l missionaries. who, lik«' a Crnsvler »>f old, ap pi'iir.s ns tno ehampion of tbe weak —that m«'aus the f«>inales. The A'lrrrfisn- o«litor is not, however, throwing m his ohamj>ionship for the followers of Christianity. On the contrary, he t«'Ils us that 'investigatious «>f modern ethnology have kIiowu tliat Eden is« m\th, and. th.it oarl\ men are ev»!rywhore the same superstitu>ns, cnuning an»l brntal srtv;ig«»s.” The e«litor »>f tho ' Boiler l’lale” is an early man. He is t»>o oarly t«> snit his feIIow fiti/.eus. He is a «luisy. Aml we alwa\s Hdmitted the soft ini|>euchment. But when he | comes out iu a serio«s manner. | a!thongh just returned from a Jnpaueae dancing party, aml tells us that he. iu the futnre, together with Lieutenant (of s»>mething hussara) B«>eter will wear no clothes an«l on!y li\e on buuaoas «>r other high growu frnits. he heeomee an ol>ject of symp«tby, of ooiumiseration aml,of ridicnle, iui\»»«l with pitv. e nndersland (hat Mr Boetei and the Adtxtii*er, are verv snperior to all critioism and t«» all ridicule. We are willing und rea»ly to :»»'kuowle«lge their superiority At tbe shiho time, w«' nuist s*y that anv attempt iu this the fin <le sierfe, to re»luce the present crew to bee»>me like tho ‘'uohle mi man” or hke a kimono »lr»'ss»Hi «lupaneae will uot meet the me« we created 01 at least live»l up U> uml supp»»rte»l the roles, regulatioos and resourc»'s of the civtliaatioD of today.

lf Mr. C«stle «ml Mr. Boeter iiesirt> to live on lmnHii:is an<i picfer coch a iut niilk. to Bntfalo becr, they are entit)ed to do so aml they are weleome to enjoy their pecQ)iar t*ste. Uut ahen Mr. Castle (even after a ball onhoMnl tbe lakaehiho) joins Mr. Boeter in an iusane idea of stripping off aud redacing the Uilors and dn-pood» sellers to »aoght and ruin all the ‘sheenies' Chiuese or otherwise, we kiek. Mr. Cnstle is, to say the least, a little erratic. One day, he wants to plaee the women on the top of the ladder and Aiake them eqaal i to the sterner sex; tbe nest day he desires to strip oar “«iKlepe" aud make tbem eat hananaa. Mr. Oastle is a‘ *ignoble red man. ” , He cau't be scalped: