Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The Ailvertiser who catches a persons eye usa*lly wins a cnst<xuer. Many i!itferent stylea of advertising Lave be»*n adopted ami with more or!esa saccess, by the believers in the nse o( pnnters ink. The m«nnf<ictnrers of Pears Soap. for insiance, occasion ally buy paintings that bave been on evhibition in the Pari’s Salon and have lithogmphs tnade frora them for tha parposO of bringing tbeir prod.ict beforo the f»eopIe. In addition to sach side issues, Pearspends bandreds thoosamls of dollais annmill}* among the newspapers and magazines. Someyears ago the Agent> of certain ariicle on sale in New York raade a hit in advertising by having on Broadway during bus* iuess hoors two fatloessly dressed Negroeswearingvery high collars, on the backs of whieh was printed “Use 8raitbs Pills.” The idea was novel and tho pnhlie caught on. Kising 8un Stove Polish has been kept b *fore the puhlie t'or years lhrough persistent. and soraetiraes expensive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the mannfacturers of this polish started half a dozen men across the nrui:nent to paiut signs :on rocks and fences. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo inj creased its sales moro than hvo j hundred per cent in two years by the use of printers ink. We I believe we have been instrumental in increasing the siles of the ; Aemotor bv keepingeverlastingly , at it in Hawaii. We do not wiah to say that advertisiug will sell any raannfuctured article; there is no use spending money in advertising ■‘eheap and nasty” goods because the iieople will not be hoodwinked. If Havilaml China was not the superior article ,it is, all oor advertising of it would not have sold the thousands of *pieces that we have. We siraply eall the attentiou of tbe people to it and its snperior qnality is appar* ent to the customer directly a pieee of it is esamined. Priuters iuk has hel(ied the sa!o of tbe Jarae= Locked Fence but it would not have dones so if it had been as tlimsy as the or din iy wire fenoe. FiAt; the econoray thero is in building it recommends it to the plantation raanager and then its dnrability cliuches the the sale If tho stayg and Waahers cost as mueh as an ordinnry | redwoo»l post our sales of the maiei'ial would not have reached such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Paosy Iron Stove is about two a day the vear roand. If was not th«

iuuuu. waa uui IIIO j best iron stove on the ruarket we : woulil not sell that many in six ! months. Advertising is the tip to the publ:c the good points in thearticle sells it jn«t as the good l qnalities of tbe Fisober Steei : liange make it a desirable article for people who wiah toeconomise in tue nse of fuel. We bay only what has proven , good after people in the L'nited States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their eiperince if tbe articles are goood we hny • and sell tbem; if they are pooV we«teerclear of them. When we sdvertise an article it is to attract attention to it; the newsI>aper ; s the button we posh, the salesman does the resL Persistent advertising coupled with the ariicle being a saperior one has sold thoosands of the ( Frank Walcot Eraory File. If it bad been no better than an ordinary scythe stone we probab!y would' not have aold twentv. When a man fiads oat tbat his table knives may be keptsb*rp at all tiraes at an expjoso of fifty cents and a rery liUle elhow ! j grease he is qaite wiliing to try j the experidtent. Tlis Haiao Hariwars .Cs, I 3 307 Foxi Sueet ' 2