Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 120, 23 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe p. g. baod plays tonigbt at tbe Hoiel. The ' ZWr approves tbe Holop*per. Tbe Dailey Co. rnay visit tbe , otber is!acds. Stataps, of tbe p g. sarcb&rge, are decreasing in valne. Tbe steamer Warrirnoo, from Vaucoaver B. is doe today. Wind Soatb today. Everybody satfering frora tbe conseqaence. Business generally 5s phenomenaliy dull ia all lines of trade. Tbe boxing contest between Mr. B. and Mr. S. is reported i •■oli.*’ “Josie,” tbe Holomua ‘ Josie,’’ will be iu it on next Tbursday evēning. Monte Cristo is bil!ed by tbe Dailey Co. for tboir farewell perforraance. Detective Larsen is attending to tbe Einma street attair, and so * ’ is tbis paper. | Tbe Japanese reception last evening on board tbe Takucbibo was a grand success. ; Tbe street-sweeper is “not in • if in tbe dayligbt. A case of i “deeds of darkness.” Adrairal Walker was an bonor- i ed guest ou board of the J*panese i flagsbip last eveuiug. Tbere is a probability tbat i sorae cbanges will occor in tbe j Holomua in the ne«r future. — I It is rumored tbat tbe retnrned !; “Col-with - tbe - rank - etc.” is ' liable to be mado marsbal. — At a iueeting of tbe Woman’a j C. T. U., all politiciaus, it wits ; decided tbat tbey desired, a vote. j Tbo Americau (?) Leaguo and tbo p g. peoplo are out. So is tbe PlHiiter’s L.ibor and Sapply i Co. Tbe Para<lise of the Padtic, undor its new raanagoraout, is stated i to be ready for tbe stearaer ! Mariposa. i Captam Duvies is very ill but i it is hoped tbat bis strong eonstitution will pull him through bis illness. The ’ Tiser is getting together ; a series of personal notes whieh i will be, raost probably be re- | printod in tbe P. of P. Tbe“Holy Gbost ’ sbow, whieh bas been made, lrttely, sbould be j stopped, by tbe uutborities, for i more reasons than one. " Tbe stateraeut made by tbe newspapers in town regarding' Mr. Stack A Bale indulgiug in i politics are all correct. ■■■■ , .... - ■ A “new dade” in towu not Mr. S.. bot Monsieur O. S. may now be comramiicateil with by eonvcrsatiou with Seuator C. Tbe IĪOLOMUA publisbes tomor- • r\iw tbe usual alpbabetically arr:uigcd Iist of intending outgoing passengers on tbe Australia. Mr. A. T. Atkinson wbo has the general inspection of tbe scbools on tbe islands left town yesterday for a cruise among tbe pedagognes. Tbere bas beeu considerable qaestion in tbecitv regardingthe I merits of Bock beer. Mr. Seeley Sbaw at the Mercbauf s Excbage ean olucidate if necessary. Tbe requisites neccssary for a ploasant tutrodnction to tbe interior department may be obtained by thecapability of Major W , or Seargent Tom, at tbe Pacific Hotel.