Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 121, 24 May 1894 — LATE FOREICN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Vancouver. 15. C., May lō.—A few minntos after C.ipt. Herbert Perry of tbe R. M. S. WarrirufK) liad safely docked Lis vessel ho received a letter fr >m the managernout of tlre Canadian-Anstra-lian S.S. Line. On opening it he was greatly surprised to find that the letter elirocted him to hand over the vessel to Mr. Arundel, the first officer, nnd concluded by stating that the Company d:d not reqnire his scrvices any longer. Derliu May 11. —The VossiscIie Zeitnng, commenting on Gresham’s statemeut re Saraoa. says what he said of Ameiiea will applv eqnally to Gerraany. The latter ean givo no honor or advantace to Samoa. The Post says the Pacific sqnadrou of Gerraau warsbips hus heeu ordered to Saraoa. The Grand Lodge, K. of P., will meet in Victoria on June 6th, wheu Supreme Chancellor Blackwell will be present. The latest report from Greece show that 252persons were killed and 150 seriously injnred duriug thp receut earthqnakes. The govorumeut is still seuding brea>l tents and b!ankets to tho thou sandsof families whieh have beeu rendered horueless. AVashingtou, May 9. —The Presideut seut tho following Hawaiiau corrospoudence to Congress to-day: Mr. Willia to Mr. Gresham. Legation of the United States, Honolulu, April llth. 1894. Sir—In eompliauee with your telegrara of Jaunary 12th to “keep the departraeut fully iuformed of the course of events,” I euclose certain resolutions adopted at a mass meetiug of Royalists held here on the night of the 9th inst., ‘the uumber of persons presont being estimated by the Press frora 2,000 to 3,000 The raeeting wivs quiet and orderly. 1 have the houor to state further that Adrairal Walker and statl errived last Thursday moru ing and at 10 a. m. this (Saturday) raoruing, the exchauge of comraaud took plaee with tho customery ceremonies.tho foreigu war vessols firing the usnal salnte. The U. S S. Adams, Capt. Brice. leavs at 8 a. m , tomorrow, for Port Townsend, whieh will Ieave here three war vessels the Philadelphia, tho Cbarapion aud the Takachiho, the other Japanese croiser. Naniwa haviug retnru©d to Japan. Lisbon. May 15—At a minist erial eouneil held last night to consider the rupture of diplomat e rolations between Portngal and Brazil it was decided to publish all the correspondeuce bearing on the subjects whieh Ied to the rupturo. The Portuguese Government 8ay they have done tbeir utraost in dismissing tbe coramanders of the warsbij>s re fusing surrender the Brazilian rebels and believe the matter will Over 1,000 delegates hare arrived o£ Xew York for the suramer congress of the Salvat:on Anny for the Atlantic states. l>e amioably settled. Tho American armv will test the bnllet-proof cloth invented by the Mannheim tailor. TJie aiiaehe at Beriiu has beeu onlered to obtam a quantity of the strange material for experimectal purpoeeo.

Looiā L«iulier. * San Franci:«?o h,nl.kr anJ reai e>tate nian. ha> j dīsappeared, le*ving bebind him liabilities amoaminp to .000. and a«isets o{ Now York. M iy 13—Jack McAniitfe and yonng Gritfo bad a row in the Coleman hoose last n’ght. and tbe poliee had to take a hand in tbe atfiir. Dr. Talmige stated yesterday that he woakl start for Ēurope a.<» plannel. bnt he wonld never desert the trastees if they deoide<.i to boild another tabernacle. Qaeen Victoria leaves Wiodaor next Monday May 21st for Manchester, proceeding thence to Balmoral, where she will arrive on Taesday morning. Her Majesty will stay in Scotland five weeks. Tue coort will then retarn to Wind»ior for a resdence of three weeks before going to Osborne for the snmmer. The Qneen has been looking out for two maids of bonor to replace Miss Rosa Hood and Miss Marv Hughes, JO ' i both of whoin are going to be married. M:ssJudith Harbord, daughter of Lord Seffie!d, and Miss Byng, daughter of Col. Hcnrv Bvng h »ve heea appr»inted. Pt-rt Towiiseud, May 15—Tbe American B ring Sea Heek is expected to sail today. Copies of the Britiah law arrived yesterday, aT>d the provisions are similar to tho>e of the bill signed by the ; President. TIie Dep irtment has | sont out iuformation that the United Sates man-ofwar Bennigton, now at Mare Island, has been detached from tbo Bering Sea floet and ordered to Central Amei’iea. Tbis order eame yesterday and beai-s ont Uie theory that theGovcrnraent haschanged its policy of coucentrating all tho ■ available vessels in Bering Sea this snmraer. The Concord and Petrel are about due at Oualaska from the China station. It is believed, thongh not from an ollieial source, that one or two of | the men of-war will reraain in i northern waters a brief period and then retuvn to Mare Island to be sabsec|ueutly seut to other 1 stations.