Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 122, 25 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THe <Anheuser*-T3iisch Brewiiig Co. in tlie JPi*ize »t the A\ oi3TTair with their C A.Ci C13 JBrand I3eer. Sx. Locis. O. ‘28. 1893. Messbs. vk it Co., L*d , Honolaln, H. I. -W- hav.- m.i :-.-l von .» c >y • f t'.»e Glvf*-Democrat annonaeui" fi t ; i • gc ;i{ . w .;i OV t l" A.N’HUl'-'ii i-BCSH ASS0CIA- ; riox with t•'seir EAGLE ’ Brar»J f l>eer. [Sigaeil] ANHEUSER-BUSH BEWING ASS0CIATI0N. L 85 & Ta/DS k/ Sr . . i; * U-3 ea /<-5 4. / Cv V * ■ * * >/ $1 $5 In onlcrmg tbis Beei be sure to ast for the “EAGLE” Bruud. Mon 14- 2ud. Aiacfarlane & Co., for Haivuiiu.ii Lslands. OEl>WAr & PORTEE. Robtnsou Hhek, Hokl Sf., helween F<>rt and Nunanu, Have Jnst Btceiv< d, jcr I ate Aniv«ls, tLc ImgC6t Stcck of FUR NIIL RE Ever ImpOrted to t iis Country, Comprisiug Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak. andof the LATESTDESJGNS. ESPECIAL AIIENIION IS CALLED TO THESE SETS: wick:er ware, Beaut ful Des : gns of Wick> r Ware, cousisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., vou ean get those in »nv FINI8H von desire. CKAIRS, ! ConntK-<s n .:mber» of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, indnding OFFICE an.i H1GH CUAIRS. E2ITEITSI01T TABLES, We b«ve had a nu»ubcr of calis for the>e T .bles, with CHAIRS t* match. We have r. >w in the most BEAUTIFUL D!HING R0ŪM FUBNITURE EVEU SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Chiffonier s ffDI -%T A. KTS,vs i D vans oovered witb PORTIERS are becoming qaite the rage in piaee of LOl’N(.»ES —we oi«nafactare iiiem to onler, and have a j Iaige stock of PORTIERS to sel ct from. | — BEDEIITG Great Assortment of WOVE\' WIEE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Stniw Mattres>es ou hand and raade to order. > UVE GEESE FEATHERS ;tnd S1LK FLOSS for Pd!ows. CRIJBS, CIiADLES, oie. AV1ND0W SHADES of ail colors and siz-s. CORNiCE POLES, in wood or br,iss trimmings. I E E II3IITG-. Mattresses, Lounges anvl all Upholstered Fornitnre repaired at rra$i)nabie n tes. |CABINET MAKING. in all its brunclies, by Compeaent Workmen. | MATTINO LAID and Int- rior Decoraticg nuder the Snpervision of j Mr. GEORGE ORDWAT Our Goods are F>rst Class, and our pr»ees are the lowest Come > and be convinced—a trial is a«iic;ted. Bell 52ō. xelephoxr?; Mutuai 645. ORDWaY & PORTER. Uohinaon Block, betweeu Fort &nd Nuoana